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TRADELIST!!! GU and Autos Basketball

game used:

00-01 iverson fleer feel the game
01-02 iverson ovation game ball
00-01 garnett UD game jersey patch gold #19/25!
00-01 Mercer hardcourt game floor
00-01 hill topps allstar warmups
99' W. Avery Edge game ball


98-99 T. hardaway skybox autographics BLUE #37/50
99' Francis Press Pass autograph
99-00 bob lanier century legends epic signatures
00-01 mercer fleer autographics
99' maggette sage autographs #165/200
00' D. Stevenson press pass autograph
99' J. bender edge autograph

PLMK if you see anything you need. thanks.

Looking for: iverson, marbury, hill, stackhouse, garnett, & game used, autos
Refs: 35+

Collecting Jerome Williams


  • ttt
    Refs: 35+

    Collecting Jerome Williams
  • 98-99 T. hardaway skybox autographics BLUE #37/50

    I like that...
    "You tell me; I hear , you teach me; I listen, you show me; I learn" -- ???

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  • have any marbury, hill, stackhouse, iverson, or garnett, game used... or autographs?
    Refs: 35+

    Collecting Jerome Williams
  • i would trade well for the Garnett, if not would you do the francis for a 02-03 premium game worn shooting shirt of marbury, plmk, thanks!

    00-01 garnett UD game jersey patch gold #19/25!
    99' Francis Press Pass autograph
    Looking for all Tracy McGrady Cards, even base.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Qyntel Woods, even multiples.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Lamar Odom

    image#1 Qyntel Woods Collectorimage
  • i'm not sure about the francis... but lmk what you can dish out for the garnett... thanks.
    Refs: 35+

    Collecting Jerome Williams
  • check out my site in my sig, and try to make an offer...
    Looking for all Tracy McGrady Cards, even base.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Qyntel Woods, even multiples.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Lamar Odom

    image#1 Qyntel Woods Collectorimage
  • benson, can you give me bv of these? i dont have a recent beckett, and could you also give me the bv of the garnett patch that i have?

    MJ Suit, Garnett Legendary Jersey, K. Martin Patch, Marion Jersey, Mcgrady Shoot Arounds... let me know the bv of these and my garnett... thanks.
    Refs: 35+

    Collecting Jerome Williams
  • oh, and your getting that marbury too right? whats the bv on that?
    Refs: 35+

    Collecting Jerome Williams
  • i liek your francis press pass auto..... my link is in my sig and then pm me
  • wont let me pm you so... let me know the bv of your mcgrady, vince, kobe, iverson, and francis jerseys are. thanks.
    Refs: 35+

    Collecting Jerome Williams
  • you still around?? jsut letting the new peeps know this guy was my first trade and first rip off
    he did not list his cards right and got me for some nice gu for his bent up crap.

    if you trade with this turd make him send first!!

    just looking out
    Back from the dead!! Looking for Brady, Joe Montana,Peyton Manning,Jim Brown auto's and rc's, Also Calvin Johnson and Adrian Peterson
  • thanks TRU, I will kep that in mind!!!
  • truballer... man please dont blame me for the actions of your mail carrier ok... it was in good shape when i sent it out, if we can solve this somehow... what do you want some cards or sumthin so you will stay off my back? let me know
    Refs: 35+

    Collecting Jerome Williams
  • nah dude i don't want nothing from you! and how do you blame a mail carrier for the card being the reg. silver and not the gold version???kinda hard ..must be david blane.

    just helping the board out
    Back from the dead!! Looking for Brady, Joe Montana,Peyton Manning,Jim Brown auto's and rc's, Also Calvin Johnson and Adrian Peterson
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