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Sports memorabilia for sale....Lemieux,Jagr,Griffey,Robitaille......

I have numerous items for sale.All autographed items come with certificate of authenticity.

Items autographed by Jaromir Jagr include......

Signed Koho stick
Mini Goalie Helmet
Penguins puck
Signed photo on plaque

Items not signed by Jagr include........

All Jagr Starting Lineup figures(including Rookie)
12 inch Pro Zone action figure(Penguins)
Jagr in Czech Olympic uniform 8 inch figure
Unopened jar of Jagr peanut butter

Other items...

Puck signed by Luc Robitaille(Penguins uniform)

Highland Mint coin collections........
1.a 3 coin set- 1 Jagr,1 Lemieux,1 Penguins team coin

2.a 3 coin set of Jagr

3. 1 coin of Jagr

Baseball signed by Ken Griffey JR.

Anyone interested can E-mail me at bluedawg@mail.com

I'm letting this stuff go dirt cheap because of personal reasons.
Its a great investment for any collector.


  • How much for the Griffey Baseball? Does it come with COA?
  • dirtmonkeydirtmonkey Posts: 3,048 ✭✭
    What are you needing for the Jagr auto'ed stuff? Also, who's the COA by? LMK so I can talk to a friend who likes him.

  • I'll take $650.00 +shipping for the whole lot.

    $75.00 + shipping for the baseball w/COA.

    Most of the Penguins stuff was bought from the Penguins organization.
    I promise nothing is fake,I've checked.
  • Price is negotiable and here's an alternate E-mail address.............

  • Just the goalie helmet?? $$??
    I collect Yankees (especially Derek Jeter) and autographed sports memorabilia from any sports. Will pay cash or trade.
    Refs. Jason, CoachVinny, Colt, Baird34,DpSports,CardnYou, Ryano and many many more
  • dirtmonkeydirtmonkey Posts: 3,048 ✭✭
    Can you give me a breakdown on the 4 Jagr auto'ed items? Just considering buying 1 of them, but want to try to decide which one. Thanks,

  • Prices are negotiable and I've just uploaded photos of all items.

    Email me at bluedawg68@hotmail.com and I'll be glad to discuss individual prices with you.
  • Come on people,Help a Brotha' out.
  • I see this question has been asked and still hasnt been answered... who is the COA by?
    Also.. can you please post pics of the hockey memorabilia.
  • Steiner Sports
    Highland Mint
    Tom Cartner,etc.
    and I also have a COA signed by Craig Patrick,Executive vice president and general manager of the Pittsburgh Penguins.

    I can't upload the photos here because the damn thing keeps saying that the file is oversized.

    If you care to Email me at bluedawg68@hotmail.com,I'll send you photos of the entire collection.
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