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got a package today from topps..EDITED..gr00vy

and this is what i got...and a pack of chrome...which i got crap in it..they somehow lost a redemption which had two in one envelope...go figure

so here it is ....my very first shaq jersey...or whatver it is imageimage



  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    LOL So they had Shaq put on a jersey that topps made and then cut that up?? What
    a joke! No wonder the game used market is worthless now. Im glad you are a
    happy with your pull, but I hope your redemptions wern't for autographs.

  • 8kobe8kobe Posts: 1,159
    Put it on ebay and include rare and stuff like that one it. Surely someone would buy it.
    Interested in Kobe Bryant, Game Used, Rare Inserts, Rookies, and Autos.
    References: Derrick(3),Teletubbie, MT Grinch, Kenny21, Awaltz, 2323, sypako, hondo, CoryZbinden(2)biggjc, boopopo2, Cardnyou, nismo68, Speedmaster, Baljit and more

    Owner of the longest actual word in the "One word Post"
  • see if undertaker wants it
    lookin for autos in baseball and basketball

    and cards from 01 studio private signings(BB) 96 ex (bkb) and 96 chrome (bkb)
  • what two redemption cards did they "lose"?
  • UndertakerUndertaker Posts: 5,200 ✭✭
    <<see if undertaker wants it >>

    yes he does! image
    lmk nismimage

  • << <i>what two redemption cards did they "lose"? >>

    i had 2 shaq jersey redemptions...thats why they sent a pack...image ..only got 1 back


  • << <i><<see if undertaker wants it >>

    yes he does! image
    lmk nismimage >>

    got a trade list image

    looking for nice autos of iverson and miles
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    WHOA Man! You accepted this jersey card for two Shaq redemptions?? You are crazy! This
    isn't even game used. Im sure that the two redemptions were not only game used but worth
    much more than this thing+a pack! I would be on the phone to topps ASAP and tell them that
    this deal wasn't fair. Tell them you are returning the Shaq and the pack and you want a
    replacment of equal value. Tell them that you either want 2 game used shaq jerseys or
    some other autographs. This is a joke. Call them!


  • << <i>WHOA Man! You accepted this jersey card for two Shaq redemptions?? You are crazy! This
    isn't even game used. Im sure that the two redemptions were not only game used but worth
    much more than this thing+a pack! I would be on the phone to topps ASAP and tell them that
    this deal wasn't fair. Tell them you are returning the Shaq and the pack and you want a
    replacment of equal value. Tell them that you either want 2 game used shaq jerseys or
    some other autographs. This is a joke. Call them!

    Kevin >>

    LOL...it dont matter to me...its not worth the time..i dont want to wake up early just to call there..i live in hawaii and whats the time difference from there to here? ...its just shaq image

  • That card they gave you is a piece of crap. I'd ask them for a meal used Shaq pack whopper card...now that would be something I'd keep.

    I know Topps is one of the worst...and I mean WORST companies when it comes to customer service, redemptions, not getting a freaking machine when you call....etc...etc....

    Give them a call and give them hell, they will give you a box, GU's etc if you keep hastling them, I've done it with Topps and Upper Deck and it always works. I complained to UD (quite a few calls) and they gave me 8 GU's and a box of 99 SPX basketball because of their screw up. Only cost me 3 GU's that I didn't really care for but were in horrible condition. Don't give up man, it let's companies like this get away with crap, if we all fight they try harder to please the customer (UD has impressed as of late...just takes soooooo long) Topps on the other hand is still crap.
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    TTT for VinceCarder......he hit it right on the head, nismo> you gotta fight back man. Wrap the
    card up and the pack and enclose a note to topps telling them whats up. Make
    sure you send the package certified and xerox everything.

    I have had good luck with Lynn over at consumer relations. Call her and explain that
    this had to of been a mistake because you got something worth far less.........

    She will take care of you. Maybe call her first and then send the package to her
    directly. She has a list of "sutible" replacments.......GU'ed and autos!! Good
    stuff. Consumer Relations # is (800)489-9149. Listen to all the options
    and then go to speak to a representative.

    Hey man, we are here on your side! Let us know if we can help. Good Luck

  • they always sent me a Pack Of Chrome with the 3 redemptions i got from topps......(2 JRich Topps RC's and An Eddy Griffin)
  • Don't give up, I got a pack of chrome with both of my redemptions, they came two days apart.....
  • hey Rodney
    I dont think they sent you the pack cuz they lost your other redemption because I got a pack also (all junk too
    )with my shaq jersey .
    Need topps chrome rookie refractors for 04 spx ,sp auth and contenders in 04 football
    email jememery@adelphia.net
    AOL IM screen name-buddy101010
  • got another package today from topps with the other shaq jersey.....yippie...lol...also added a new scan with both of them..i got another pack...all junk...oh well...i guess topps finally came through...lol
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    Id have those on a plane back to New York Certified tomorrow. What does topps
    think we are dumb?? Not only does that jersey Shaq is wearing looks stupid, but
    it isn't game worn by a long shot!


  • << <i>

    << <i><<see if undertaker wants it >>

    yes he does! image
    lmk nismimage >>

    got a trade list image

    looking for nice autos of iverson and miles >>

    anyone who gives you an iverson auto or miles auto is stupid, for that card? its not even a laker jersey! just some crap topps did! i want the patch! of the T... lol wait its screened on cheap jersey so it wouldnt be a patch, lol
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