GTA Vice City waiting for me at home....

Can't wait to go home to try out the new Vice City for PS2. I've been waiting over a month for this game to come out and it looks like it's going to be a great game. Now I have a problem, which game to play....NBA 2K3...Madden or Socom.....if Vice City was online I probably wouldn't have to ask that question....
how are ya man? been a long time since we talked
Personal Collection
Can't wait! I had it pre-ordered with amazon but they are shipping till Nov 1 so I cancelled that order.
Let me know how it is!
Yea long time man....I've been busy with time to play my new videogames......Hey if you still have that Lue I traded you would you like to work on a trade?
Sosa.....I will let you know what it's like without giving away any surprises when I play it. I just want to walk into a hardware store and buy a hammer and screw driver and introduce myself to innocent bystanders...."Hi I'm Bob we will be putting a screwdriver in your speen...." Ah...I can't wait to play it and test out the new toys....the chainsaw should be real interesting....
Hey Vincecarder, have you playen Terminator Dawn of Fate? I rented that game thinking it would be awesome(I'm a big Terminator fan) but I guess I was wrong!
Do NOT buy or rent Terminator Dawn of Fate! Playing this crappy game can cause serious damage to your health!
Thank You
Well, all I can tell you guys again is this game is amazing, I can't wait to go home and play it again. I couldn't put the controller down. From jumping on the dirtbike and hitting ramps (did a 720 and landed on my head) What a fun game.
Running after rollerbladers with a chainsaw is always a great way to relieve stress.
but this game is almost too cool for the ps2... i'm almost afraid that they might come out with a higher rating because of this game lol. anywayz... buy it, and if you dont have a ps2... then buy a ps2 and buy vice city because it is well worth it... in a week i have already played it 20+ hrs. my thumbs are starting to hurt
Refs: 35+
Collecting Jerome Williams
"We always strive toward perfection, even though we can never achieve it"
"Joy wouldn't feel so good if it weren't for Pain."