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GTA Vice City waiting for me at home....

Can't wait to go home to try out the new Vice City for PS2. I've been waiting over a month for this game to come out and it looks like it's going to be a great game. Now I have a problem, which game to play....NBA 2K3...Madden or Socom.....if Vice City was online I probably wouldn't have to ask that question....


  • UndertakerUndertaker Posts: 5,200 ✭✭
    hey Alex image

    how are ya man? been a long time since we talked image
  • My copy will be here Wednesday prolly, Just got it with overnight shipping but it so late in the day they prolly won't get it out today.

    Can't wait! I had it pre-ordered with amazon but they are shipping till Nov 1 so I cancelled that order.
    Let me know how it is!

  • Hey Taker....

    Yea long time man....I've been busy with work..no time to play my new videogames......Hey if you still have that Lue I traded you would you like to work on a trade?

    Sosa.....I will let you know what it's like without giving away any surprises when I play it. I just want to walk into a hardware store and buy a hammer and screw driver and introduce myself to innocent bystanders...."Hi I'm Bob Villa...today we will be putting a screwdriver in your speen...." Ah...I can't wait to play it and test out the new toys....the chainsaw should be real interesting....
  • I'm still playing GTA3, I'm at the part where you have to destroy the 9 different locations where the Colombians sell spank. ARRRGGHHH!!! It's not easy!
  • drool, getting my copy of Vice City tomorrow! cant wait man, its gonna be absolutely amazing...release date is 10/29, how do you have a copy today vincecarder??
  • release date was 10/28 ebworld says.

  • the official website and my local store say 10/29...
  • It's because I'm Vincecarder....all NBA players get their copies in advance.
  • guys, is it out today or not lol. i don't feel like riding out to the mall 4 nothing and it takes me 4ever to find the phone # to the stores so someone please confirm if it's in stores today or not
  • Well I have been reading the forum at gamefaqs and people have got their copies at some stores. EB stores seem to be selling them today/tonight. I know ebworld.com is shipping them too.

  • It's out today if you did a preorder (trade GTA 3 +$10) I am playing it right now and it is the greatest game I've played to date. The intro loading sequence took long but it's like watching a movie. Absolutly a must if you have a PS2..I'd buy the system if I didn't have it just for this game!
  • ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh sweet!!! i want details g! how is it?~~
  • I never even played GTA3, keep hoping at this point they'll make it a greatest hits title.
  • ryan...im POSITIVE it has sold MORE than enough to make greatest hits, but they havent done it yet because stores are still able to charge $50 for a game that is 2 years old, lol...its a great game that people are willing to pay for, so why make it any cheaper? image
  • LOL, hopefully sales will slow and I can get it cheap.
  • Wow....I'm still amazed at this game...you can basically do whatever you want.....I can't believe the radio...it's insaine. I already had to pick up some girls in a fresh ride....
  • Once I beat GTA3 then I'll play MGS2, I've had that game lying around for a while and haven't even played it yet(I know, I'm kind of left behind.) image

    Hey Vincecarder, have you playen Terminator Dawn of Fate? I rented that game thinking it would be awesome(I'm a big Terminator fan) but I guess I was wrong!


    Do NOT buy or rent Terminator Dawn of Fate! Playing this crappy game can cause serious damage to your health!

    Thank You
  • LOL ranch, I've done the same thing, MGS2 has sat around collecting dust while I plowed through Jax and Daxter and Final Fantasy X.
  • The Day after playing Vice City.

    Well, all I can tell you guys again is this game is amazing, I can't wait to go home and play it again. I couldn't put the controller down. From jumping on the dirtbike and hitting ramps (did a 720 and landed on my head) What a fun game.

    Running after rollerbladers with a chainsaw is always a great way to relieve stress.
  • Did you finish it yet?
  • almost finished with the game... i own almost everything... from the printing works in Little Haiti to the Malibu Club on the first island which costed me a pretty penny ($120,000), but its worth it because you get a lot of fun missions from the malibu club. I'd have to say that the Film Studio missions are by far the best (which also are the most part for earning its M rating lol for those of you who know what I'm talkin about image )

    but this game is almost too cool for the ps2... i'm almost afraid that they might come out with a higher rating because of this game lol. anywayz... buy it, and if you dont have a ps2... then buy a ps2 and buy vice city because it is well worth it... in a week i have already played it 20+ hrs. my thumbs are starting to hurt image
    Refs: 35+

    Collecting Jerome Williams
  • and this relates to Buy-Sell-Trade of Sports cards and memorabilia... how??
    "There is a reason hidden behind everything we do in life" - Me
    "We always strive toward perfection, even though we can never achieve it"
    "Joy wouldn't feel so good if it weren't for Pain."
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