Looking for any cards of Dan Dickau. And I can use a lot of autos. Please visit my page at http://groups.msn.com/JonsCardCollection or e-mail me at ss_jon@hotmail.com
looking for antawn jamison rookies autos or game used
i am collecting 8x10 autos, auto replica jerseys and other auot memrobilia, i have a few cards left im trying to sell cheap please email me for the list theres only about 8 to 10 left. thanks kenny21 sporto bballrob88 lilsun1 vincesanity lee gaines sporto1688 gabe3249 (biechner) plante23 vittleboy bargasv msb416 dksportz8
I collect Antonio McDyess, Dirk Nowitzki, Paul Pierce, Gerald Wallace, Latrell Sprewell, J-Rich, and most other Bama grads. Check out my page at Boxer24's Trade Page refs:jamesvalenta@hotmail.com,PLANTE23@aol.com,dbristowe@cogeco.ca,MoJo8888@aol.com,Jasonku86@aol.com,UWashington,NoDoubt64,Clearandvalid,Kobe8fan,KBryant1,metros69
Looking for ALL Autos of Qyntel Woods, even multiples.
Looking for ALL Autos of Lamar Odom
Only Looking for Caron Butler right now or stuff to improve my tradelist
My Site
Wants: all raider cards...tmac...dmiles.
Refs. jbugs...calikev...sonicsfan...baseballman03060...nhl23...baljitgill...magic1fan...narcotikz
raiders record 5-4
my soccer teams record 11-3
Please visit my page at http://groups.msn.com/JonsCardCollection or e-mail me at ss_jon@hotmail.com
kenny21 sporto bballrob88 lilsun1 vincesanity lee gaines sporto1688 gabe3249 (biechner) plante23 vittleboy bargasv msb416 dksportz8
jan i have the fleer genuine dickau ****/2002
#1 QUincy Carter Collector in the world
Quincy Carter 31.6% 163/515
and cards from 01 studio private signings(BB) 96 ex (bkb) and 96 chrome (bkb)
Check out my page at Boxer24's Trade Page