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A Little Brain Teaser-Non Sports-No Prize

This is just a little thing I got emailed to me. There's no prize and it has nothing to do with sports, well three do. Each question below contains the initial of words that will makie it correct. Find the missing words.

Example: 16= O in a P
Ounces in a Pound

I will post all the answers Monday or Tuesday. The one with the most correct can feel good about themselves. image Good luck.

1. 26= L of the A

2. 1001= A N

3. 7= W of the W

4. 12= S of the Z

5. 54= C in a D (with the J)

6. 9= P in the S S

7. 88= P K

8. 13= S on the A F

9. 32= D F at which W F

10. 18= H on a G C

11. 90= D in a R A

12. 200= D for P G in M

13. 8= S on a S S

14. 3= B M (S H T R)

15. 4= Q in a G --2 Answers

16. 24= H in a D

17. 1= W on a U

18. 5= D in a Z C

19. 57= H V

20. 11= P on a F T

21. 1000= W that a P is W

22. 29= D in F in a L Y

23. 64= S on a C

FINISH-Tough huh...


  • I'll give hints to a few of them as time passes.
  • Here are my answers:
    1) Letters of the Alphabet
    2) Arabian Nights
    3) Wonders of the World
    4) Signs of the Zodiac
    5) cards in the deck with the 2 jokers
    6) planets in the solar system
    7) piano keys
    8) stripes on american flag
    9) degrees farenheit at which water freezes
    10) holes on a golf course.

    I will give the rest of my answers later.

  • 1. 26= L of the A

    2. 1001= A N

    3. 7= W of the W

    4. 12= S of the Z...12 signs of the zodiac

    5. 54= C in a D (with the J)

    6. 9= P in the S S

    7. 88= P K

    8. 13= S on the A F

    9. 32= D F at which W F

    10. 18= H on a G C...18 holes on a gold course

    11. 90= D in a R A

    12. 200= D for P G in M

    13. 8= S on a S S

    14. 3= B M (S H T R)...3 blind mice (see how they run)

    15. 4= Q in a G --2 Answers...4 quarts in a gallon

    16. 24= H in a D...24 hours in a day

    17. 1= W on a U

    18. 5= D in a Z C

    19. 57= H V

    20. 11= P on a F T

    21. 1000= W that a P is W

    22. 29= D in F in a L Y

    23. 64= S on a C

    That's all I could getimage
  • lol looks like you have seen this before
  • not bad collector after you spend some time on them you'll eventually start to see them.

  • 1. 26= Letters of the Alphabet

    2. 1001= A N

    3. 7= Wonders of the World

    4. 12= Signs of the Zodiac

    5. 54= Cards in a Deck (with the Jokers)

    6. 9= P in the S S

    7. 88= P K

    8. 13= Stripes on the American Flag

    9. 32= D F at which W F

    10. 18= Holes on a Golf Course

    11. 90= D in a R A

    12. 200= D for P G in M

    13. 8= S on a S S

    14. 3= Blind Mice (See How They Run)

    15. 4= Quarts in a Gallon --2 Answers

    16. 24= Hours in a Day

    17. 1= Wheel on a Unicycle

    18. 5= D in a Z C

    19. 57= H V

    20. 11= P on a F T

    21. 1000= W that a P is W

    22. 29= Days in February in a Leap Year

    23. 64= Squares on a Checkerboard
  • Ooh, I like these.

    11. 90= D in a R A - degrees in a right angle

    13. 8= S on a S S - sides on a stop sign

    18. 5= D in a Z C - digits in a zip code

    19. 57= H V - heinz varieties

    20. 11= P on a F T - players on a football team

    Anyone know number 12? I think thats all we have left.
  • 1. 26= L of the A..............26 Letters of the Alphabet

    2. 1001= A N..........1001 Arabian Nights

    3. 7= W of the W........7 Wonders of the World

    4. 12= S of the Z.................12 Signs of the Zodiac

    5. 54= C in a D (with the J)...........54 Cards in a Deck (with the Jokers)

    6. 9= P in the S S.............9 Planets in the Solar System

    7. 88= P K.........88 Piano Keys

    8. 13= S on the A F.............13 Stripes on the American Flag

    9. 32= D F at which W F.........32 Degrees at which Water Freezes

    10. 18= H on a G C........18 Holes on a Golf Course

    11. 90= D in a R A..........90 Degrees on a Right Angle

    12. 200= D for P G in M............

    13. 8= S on a S S..............8 Sides on a Stop Sign

    14. 3= B M (S H T R).............3 Blind Mice (See How They Run)

    15. 4= Q in a G --2 Answers...........4 Quarters in a game...........4 Quarts in a gallon

    16. 24= H in a D...............24 Hours in a Day

    17. 1= W on a U..............1 World on a Universe

    18. 5= D in a Z C...............5 Digits in a Zip code

    19. 57= H V...........57 Heinz Varities

    20. 11= P on a F T..............11 Players on a Football Team

    21. 1000= W that a P is W............

    22. 29= D in F in a L Y.............29 Days in February in a Leap Year

    23. 64= S on a C...............64 Squares on a Checkerboard

    BigE187211, Injun01 (2 times), sonicsfan, ChrisDaBalla, (2 times), funnyguy0015, mattdogg, uwftke26, KBryant1 (5 times), vincesanity, battier (5 times), AzianPhenom, shaqmanningfan, Woodson24kg, IversonMiles, 4sportcollector, Phil2347, ejones06, Biechner24, l3ulls4us, Knicks644

    I am mainly just looking for Desmond Mason.
  • Ummm, we still don't have #12 people! image No reason to keep listing the same answers LOL
  • 200 D for PG in M is 200 Dollars for Passing Go in Monopoly.
    1000 W that a P is w is 1000 words that a picture is worth.

  • lol of course ljmaya had all the answers. good job guys.
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