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Finally... Registry Set photos are complete!!!

I finally am linking photos onto my Registry set. Rather than having to click on the Registry photo prompts I've made it easy for you. Shooting proofs is brutal, even the slightest discoloration is exagerated. Most of these coins are bright white. If you are curious about the grades click onto the link at the bottom.

I still have 14 coins to go to get to that magic 100% complete mark.



  • Great coins to keep !!!!!!!! image
  • Really Nice! It`s hard to pick a favorite; all of them have a character. It shows that you really took the time and effort to find some goodies.image

    Oops, another case of bad grammer on my part.Sorry about that.
  • Oldcameoproofsguy,

    Those are really super great coins and easily fit Michael's definition of GREAT
    coins. Your eye for quality and natural "drop dead-oh my gosh" eye appeal
    is super. Hope your other 14 come along as well as these. That will be a set
    that would qualify as a show down set. Thanks for posting the pics to share
    with us.

    Buy the best you can afford the first time around.

  • Excellent pics Mike - thanks for posting them! I knew you'd enjoy getting a camera! image

  • tjkilliantjkillian Posts: 5,578 ✭✭✭
    Excellent coins and great pictures!


  • I dont collect Barbers, but these are beautiful coins!

  • LanLordLanLord Posts: 11,718 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Absolutely wonderful set of coins. Those are a sight to behold.
  • Thanks for all your kind words. Sorry to anyone who has a really slow internet connection.image
  • perty!
  • stmanstman Posts: 11,352 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks for posting these pieces. I can't imagine the time it took you to do this. It takes great patience and pride to put together something like this. And thanks again for your help on the file for my prmorgan. Just one coin took me forever to show what it truly looked like. I say congrats Oldcameoproofsguy!!!!!

    Please... Save The Stories, Just Answer My Questions, And Tell Me How Much!!!!!
  • Four of your pics don't show up and instead there's a red "X'. The rest took a few minutes. But, it was worth it!! Really great coins. And the photos you took were top notch. I'd like to know what kind of camera you used and how you took them (lighting, etc.)

    "Buy the coin, not the holder"

    Proof Dime Registry Set
  • TrimeTrime Posts: 1,863 ✭✭✭
    These a great Barbers and great photos. Exciting to have shared.

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