non coin picture
I just had to post this picture I took today. It is not of a coin, but thought everyone may enjoy a quick break in the routine. My 3-year old daughter is the one in the picture. And yes, that is snow! About a 1/2 of foot of snow here in Duluth, MN. Yea! I am a snow lover!! We are known for snow, but this is a little bit early.
It looks like you have been blessed, Geoman.
It seemed like a pretty neat town for its size, especially compared to, er, Squarechester where I live now. How long have you been there, and do you like it?
We were just visiting for a weekend so we didn't see too much. Especially since the last day was cut short after my wife managed to step on a wasp, yeow.
The Lincoln cent store:
My numismatic art work:
USAF veteran, 1986-1996 :: support our troops - the American way.