There Is Joyous Celebration In The Vintage Kelloggs World

I have just received an email from a well respected, but secretive Kellogg's collector who until now had chosen to remain anonymous. He has been reading the boards for quite some time, but has never posted.
So outraged at the wanton disrespect shown the Kellogg's cards by the Johnny Come-lately's, members of the Green's Party, and assorted Riff-Raff, that he will be joining the Gemmintman/Zardoz/Beaton triumvirate in defending the sanctity of our Vintage set.
He will be showing himself in the very near future.
King Kellogg is amongst us!!!!!!!!
So outraged at the wanton disrespect shown the Kellogg's cards by the Johnny Come-lately's, members of the Green's Party, and assorted Riff-Raff, that he will be joining the Gemmintman/Zardoz/Beaton triumvirate in defending the sanctity of our Vintage set.
He will be showing himself in the very near future.
King Kellogg is amongst us!!!!!!!!
Welcome King Kellogg!
BTW, did you know that Vic Davalillo's initials are "VD"?
The one and the same.
The man who includes a box of Kellogg's cereal with each transaction, in order to spread the good word about Kellogg's cards.
Wise move in having the father in law eat them, remember that you did defect from the 1970 Happy, Joyous, Free, and Peace loving Kellogg's fraternity to ally yourself with the forces of the evil dark side. King Kellogg takes such things seriously and you just never know
The guy is like Zorro or something leaving his "K" mark wherever he goes.
He's "Korro".
My Auctions
Now THAT'S cool!!!
So when are you going to set up a PSA Player Set Registry for your relative? I am sure that most of us here would like to hear more about your relationship!
I see where someone requested a player set registry for Joe Jay. Heck, Vic Davalillo had a better career than Jay. Maybe I should but somehow I think these registries should be limited to HOF's or superstars.
I thought you of all people would be impressed, since you seem to be the ultimate collector who would rather move to a smaller house then get rid of a portion of your cards. DAVALILLO, don't worry. When I view your card collection, since you've given me an open invitation and I will take you up on it, I will be sure to bring my few dozen Joey Jay's for you to ohhh & ahhh over
Ha! I agree with you. Plus under the rules of this board you can claim anything. If gemmint and zardoz can claim that 1970 Kellogg is vintage I can claim that Vic really was a superstar.
Have you advertised in scd for Joey Jay cards? I recall seeing many ads over time.
2nd. round bell just rang!!
Welcome back Kompeitetors!
When I was a kid I was happy that a ball player had my name as his last name, and I've never seen a player (or anyone) before or after with that namesake. So anytime, I get a batch of cards and he's in there I add it to my pile, probably have 2 dozen or so from a raw '54 Johnston cookies to his '65 Topps graded. As far as the Modern/Vintage debate, I would like to think these cards are modern, since I remember alot of these from when I was a kid, if they are classified as modern, I don't feel so old
1970 K-Kards=Vintage