yes reissue a proof set with all deep cameo coins with the 2003 dates
indian head cent buffalo nickel lib nick two cent piece three cent nickel all the seared coins and make the coins in the metals they were originally in all in deep cameo proofs!
sincerely michael
then take the 4 most popular and reissue them for a year or so
like the indian head cents for 2003
the buff nicksw for 2003 the lib nicks for 2004 the seated dimes quarters and halves for 2004 but in clad and the three cent nickel pieces for 2003 in clad
The Lincoln cent store:
My numismatic art work:
USAF veteran, 1986-1996 :: support our troops - the American way.
indian head cent buffalo nickel lib nick two cent piece three cent nickel all the seared coins and make the coins in the metals they were originally in all in deep cameo proofs!
sincerely michael
then take the 4 most popular and reissue them for a year or so
like the indian head cents for 2003
the buff nicksw for 2003 the lib nicks for 2004
the seated dimes quarters and halves for 2004 but in clad and the three cent nickel pieces for 2003 in clad
all business strike
That would be sweet. It would also stir things up a bit.