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Looking for any Raef LaFrentz. Along with other former KU players.

Refs - MFFL, ejones6, lilsun1, injun01, RichyPF32, TheRockMic13, SMOOTHSHOOTER, TrFstPtch, funnyguy0016, LAdude465, Derrick, Nowizki, Scott2141, Josher416, thematrix31, uwftke26, duncangal, raf12, icon4400, cpandeaz3, Thito, Colton, amfox1, germanjayhawk, fuzz86, battier, awaltz

My Page
AOL - lafrentz06


  • 1st Affirmative Constructive

    Minorities in America face severe economic, cultural, linguistic and physical barriers for treatment of mental illness, difficulties that prevent thousands from being properly treated. That why my partner and I stand firmly “Resolved: That the United States federal government should substantially increase public health services for mental health care in the United States.

    Contention 1 – Harms – Minorities

    Contention 2 – Inherency – Minorities do not get adequate mental health care within the status quo.

    Subpoint A – Minorities are less likely to receive mental health care.

    Daniel DeNoon quoting David Satcher, Surgeon General of the United States [WebMD Medical News] - Aug. 27, 2001 – Online [http://my.webmd.com/content/article/1728.87643]
    "There are major disparities in access, use, and quality of mental health services for racial and ethnic minorities," Satcher says. "Minorities are less likely to receive mental health care, and when they do receive it the quality of [that] care is not good. Minority populations experience greater disability from mental illness than their majority counterparts. This is not because they have more mental illnesses but because they lack access to care."

    Subpoint B -

    Advantage 1 – An increase among mental heath care among minorities, the future of America mental health care will improve.
    Looking for any Raef LaFrentz. Along with other former KU players.

    Refs - MFFL, ejones6, lilsun1, injun01, RichyPF32, TheRockMic13, SMOOTHSHOOTER, TrFstPtch, funnyguy0016, LAdude465, Derrick, Nowizki, Scott2141, Josher416, thematrix31, uwftke26, duncangal, raf12, icon4400, cpandeaz3, Thito, Colton, amfox1, germanjayhawk, fuzz86, battier, awaltz

    My Page
    AOL - lafrentz06
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