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ATTN: Bandbcollectibles and any other moron who said Josher owed them cards...

You should absolutely be taken out back and beat with the butt of a shotgun. You lowlife pathetic piece(s) of trash should burn and rot in he11 forever for being so stupid, inconsiderate, and selfish as to actually complain to Josher's family that he owed you a few stinkin worthless cards. I hope everyone will join me in NEVER TRADING WITH YOU AGAIN. In fact i will personally jump on EVERY post you make and try my hardest to HUMILIATE YOU!! One day something bad will happen to you, and when it does i only hope you realize what a self-centered pr1ck you have been.

If anyone here agrees with my sentiments, let your thoughts be known here

I'd challenge you to a battle of wits...... but you appear unarmed

"Stop talking, negotiating,
Your feeble attempts at world peace
Give me a %#@*ing break
Need worldwide genocide, planetary suicide
And when the whole damn world is dead
there's your %#@*ing peace"


  • i agree... they should be poked to death slowly with a spoon, or tied to a chair and forced to listen to rap. either way, same result.

    Refs: MightyMouse,(2) Josher416(3), JErik20, Brice, Truballer (2), KBryant(4), lafrentz06, gettinout1, LilAI3 (5 transactions), McDee2, Speedmaster, Lantz, Battier, JasonKU86, thematrix31, biggamegil, Trev-Aman, Nismo68, baljitgill1 (multiple),KNICKS644, cpandeaz3

    email:: funnyguy0015@yahoo.com
    AIM:: funnyguy0015

    my site:: http://groups.msn.com/AdamsTradingCards/atccards.msnw

    To Josher416:: May he rest in peace.
  • I concur...
  • we can sew his a-hole shut and keep feeding him imageimageimage
  • CubbyCubby Posts: 2,096
    Yeah, that's pretty low

    BTW: Cubby=Cub Fan
  • I agree......
  • I totally agree jerik, but the sad thing is they didnt even apologize!!!!!!WHat inconsiderant jacka$$e$.....JOsh was a great kid and u are only worried about cards after is untimely death....Im anxious to see if u actually will apologize on this thread after u see how hated and disrespected for saying that.
    refs:Allenimage, knicks644, kls23, nismo68, kobecollector, truballer, nodoubt64, abandcards,ahares, jccrum, dmiles89, thematrix31, heelsfan1, joebenson, amfox1, metros69, tmac21, l3ulls4us, 90 more email refs on my site ..28 ebay refs

    bad traders:
    bradely25 aka JBSportscards

  • No way will that fool show his head in this post, but i know he'll read it......

    I'd challenge you to a battle of wits...... but you appear unarmed

    "Stop talking, negotiating,
    Your feeble attempts at world peace
    Give me a %#@*ing break
    Need worldwide genocide, planetary suicide
    And when the whole damn world is dead
    there's your %#@*ing peace"
  • yea jerik..i was feeling the same way man...last night evan and i were chatting and he told me some dude said that Josh owed him 1500$ in trading..i was like wtf..some people just dont show any remorse..its sad.
  • As far as people asking josh's parents for their cards back. i dont see a prob in that. However... whomever sent the rude letter or email, which ever it was, thats another story. His death was tragic, as all are, however in any death if you are owed anything, you may put a claim in against the estate. I have had to do it one time... however i contacted the lawyers for the estate rather than the parents.
    If the person wishes to get their cards back, then they can request them... if they choose. I just hope they do it in a respectful manner.
  • This is what BandBCollectible said, "DAMN HE OWED ME MONEY HE GOT MY LOT A COUPLE OF DAYS AGO." It is at the top of page 3 on BigE's "Just thought I would pass on this sad news........" post. It's sad that that was bandb's first thought when we were all hearing about Josh's death.image
  • THiToTHiTo Posts: 1,236
    i never had the pleasure of trading with Josh... in fact, i have yet to make a post regarding his death... that is, until now...

    when i read about people "complaining" about $$$/cards owed to them, i got a sick feeling... could this person(s) really be serious? you never really put life into perspective until something tragic happens... for anyone and everyone worried about what you are "owed" - death is something tragic... try taking a step back and quit taking life for granted... you are pathetic and you are unreal... you are no better than a coward...

    i am angry and the fact is, i didn't even know Josh... now put yourself in his mother's shoes... or his father's shoes... do you think they want to hear about the piece of cardboard you lost... or the lifeless green paper you call money... they just lost their f-ing son...

    just wait... wait until something happens to someone close to you... maybe then, just maybe, you'll comprehend your ignorance...

    if i was in any way, shape, or form related to Josh and i received a "complaint" about something Josh "owed" you, i would personally take down your address, drive/fly to your house and beat the ever-loving sh!t out of you... you are a waste of existence...
  • dirtmonkeydirtmonkey Posts: 3,048 ✭✭
    I, personally, would just forget about my cards. I can understand how maybe someone might want them back or to be compensated if a deal was done as well. What I couldn't understand is someone being rude about it for no reason. PRIORTIZE a bit people. The reason I'd go hunting someone down is if they lied hoping to benefit from this.
    That would deserve an arse whoopin' image
  • Looks like we can ad Euphoria to the list of heartless morons that think their stupid worthless peices of cardboard are more important than another persons life. Maybe you and Bandbcollectibles can burn while holding each others selfish hands..... you f'ing make me sick

    I'd challenge you to a battle of wits...... but you appear unarmed

    "Stop talking, negotiating,
    Your feeble attempts at world peace
    Give me a %#@*ing break
    Need worldwide genocide, planetary suicide
    And when the whole damn world is dead
    there's your %#@*ing peace"
  • Wow Erik... your words hurt me so much... really they do.
    Perhaps you should learn about the real world. What i stated are facts. When a person dies all there belongings including money, go to the estate of the person. If you have a claim against the estate you may proceed with it.
    Erik... your opinion means nothing to me... as i am sure mine means nothing to you. All i stated is how it works... and if someone wants their stuff back.. they have every right to request it.
    What sickens me more is how people try to act all big and tough when something tragic happens. Grow up and get on with your life... because you never know when it is going to end.
    Like i said... asking nicely is fine.. but the demanding... the person that sent the rude letter or email.. not sure which it was... thats another story.
  • erik, he doesnt mean it like that....i'm sure he would give up any amount of cards to save josh's life, but thats not the case, and theres nothing nobody can do...i think it would be ok for people to ask but not just ask, not demand, ask politely, and say even if you cant do this its ok, and also write about johs, not just trading cards...as for bandbcollectibles thats bull$hit, how can you even write them and be demanding or even solely write about the fact that he owes you a little money, didnt even mention the fact about josh, saying your prayers go out with him and the family or anything, thats really not right...
    Looking for all Tracy McGrady Cards, even base.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Qyntel Woods, even multiples.
    Looking for ALL Autos of Lamar Odom

    image#1 Qyntel Woods Collectorimage
  • SoDoMoJoSoDoMoJo Posts: 1,558 ✭✭
    JErik: Hey man i agree with the idea of the cards it was a tragic event that Josh died and BandB should just forget about it BUT as for Chris (Euphoria) i have had the pleasue of meeting Chris and i can tell you 1st hand he is NOT selfish in ANY way infact i would have to say that of the people i have met on this board he is 1 of the nicest guys and one of my close friends. I think that BandB is a pr!ck tho and shouldn't ask for the cards back unless it was a HUGE amount and i know 1st hand on having to deal with that. My uncle died of a car accident a few years ago and there's a guy who owes him $100 000 of a loan that my uncle gave him and this guy REFUESES to pay him because he passed away and i think that's wrong a debt is a debt my aunt could use the $$$ now this is a HUGE amount of $$$ now if BandB is talking about like a $25 card then FORGET about it.....................

    My Refs.

    41 positives, 0 negitives
  • i agree with everyone on, here. Thats just wrong to do what they did, in my sense, i believe i either did, or was on a trade deal with josher, but in the eyes of probably most ppl on here, too bad not in the eyes of the ones who asked for their cards, but i think everyone lost something worth more than any card, whether we knew him or not.
    References-hip9161,Danotorious,mik,mtgrinch,donniebaseball23,jeffo81,whitetornado,epag64, weasel510
  • Guys,

    BandBCollectible is probably a 10 year old kid, who is too young to understand. You see people, we all range from different ages here on this board e.g. I'm 19, I will find death more upsetting compared to a 12 year old. The older you get, the less immature you get. When I was 10, death didn't mean that much to me. When we are little children we don't think about how bad death is and what a loss it is.

    I'm pretty sure that BandBCollectible just got carried away with his statement and didn't mean it in a nasty way. But he should at least apologize. I'm disgusted if there are people who are actually complaining to Josher's family about the cards he owed them. That is sick and those people need some serious help!!

  • First of all, BandBcollectibles was in the wrong for posting that comment on BigE's post. That did not belong on there and everyone knows it. If anyone thinks that comment should have been made on that post, then they are a F'N Moron. I for one have lent people large sums of money with out seeing it again, to help people out, but I am not filing complaints or things like that, and they are still alive. Helping those people out means more than any materialistic possession or money. Sports cards are really worthless pieces of cardboard, but for some reason we all can't see that, so they are worth money, at least until people start realizing it. We all spend our money on worthless possessions. Sure, they are worth something to us, but if we pass on, our family has no use for it. Life is precious and everyone needs to realize that each new day we are alive it is a blessing. Anything could happen to any one of us. I am sure we all can understand that someone with the brain of an 8 year old like BandB can't comprehend the word "Death" yet, all they care about is materialistic possessions and money. Well, when you are dead, you can't use it anymore. It's sad when people can't respect the death of a trader, especially one so young and the way it was tragically taken. There is nothing any of us can to do bring Josh back, but he will always live as long as he is remembered. Euphoria if we were talking about $1000's in cash, then I could understand someone wanting it back, but I am sure it wasn't very much money. Would you want to trade places with Josh for the amount of money he owed BandB?
  • Blah blah blah..... If you people honestly think that your petty little cards are worth more than allowing a family to mourn peacefully their sons death than so be it....... But people who actually have a heart and have feelings would simply cut their petty losses and chalk it up to bad luck..... that is much better than pestering a heartbroken family about your worthless little $20 cards. It MIGHT be one thing if Josher owed this kid a $1000 bucks or something, but i would be willing to guarantee that it was no more than a BV of $100 that was owed, which would actually sell for about $30..... you think that is worth bothering a mourning family that is your deal, but i'll have nothing to do with you

    I'd challenge you to a battle of wits...... but you appear unarmed

    "Stop talking, negotiating,
    Your feeble attempts at world peace
    Give me a %#@*ing break
    Need worldwide genocide, planetary suicide
    And when the whole damn world is dead
    there's your %#@*ing peace"
  • SkiVermont3SkiVermont3 Posts: 3,053 ✭✭
    reading through these posts, forgot who said it.....but you gotta prioritize is right...Josh was a great kid, that we all loved as a friend and a trader, and on the day of his tragic passing, that pri(k BandB has the audacity and nerve to say a queer thing like that...yikes. i can understand, as some of you said, if Josh really owed them a large amount of cards, to politely ask the parents to fix it, but Josh doesnt even owe BandB money, Josh just said he was thinking about purchasing BandB's collection. jesus, its just carboard...and his life means much more than that, to me, and i hope the rest of us on here.
  • We feel bad about the words Bandb used in that post & he should apologize for sure.As far as what euphoria18 was saying,all he was doing was pointing out the correct way to make a claim in the case of a tragedy like this.We know Chris to be a great trader & good person.We surely don't think he should be chastied just for making a legitimate point.
    We know some of you knew Josh pretty well & are still emotional over his death as we all are but lets all try to calm down some.We know what it's like to lose someone close to us & we know it can be very hard to move on.Hopefully, Bandb will apologize for his words; if not then he'll have to live with himself.
    We are NOT going to hammer euphoria18 tho & in fact are in the process of completing a trade with him today.All he was doing was making a valid point about a legal way that alot of people use everyday to settle estates.
    ! !God Bless Josh & his family/friends.May they find peace within! !
    Bob & CJ
    Dad & Son

    ! ! Greatest Country on Earth ! !

    WANTS:Nicer Cal Ripken Inserts.
    Also want RCs of current Football-Hockey future stars.


    References:We have traded with many traders on this forum.We can provide list on request.
  • Yeah that should certainly be acceptable..... to point out the "correct way to make a claim" against a tragedy-stricken family over a f'ing $50 card. It's times like this that make you realize how many people that you deal with everyday are selfish, self-centered jerk-offs.

    I'd challenge you to a battle of wits...... but you appear unarmed

    "Stop talking, negotiating,
    Your feeble attempts at world peace
    Give me a %#@*ing break
    Need worldwide genocide, planetary suicide
    And when the whole damn world is dead
    there's your %#@*ing peace"
  • dirtmonkeydirtmonkey Posts: 3,048 ✭✭
    You're certainly correct Erik, as I have added you to my list of "jerkoffs". Euphoria simply made a statement. Nothing was said against his family, so grow up.

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