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Monster Morgan Photos

Some Monster Morgans just added to my collection, whattya think?

1885-O Monster

1883-O Monster Crescent

1890-CC End Roll Toned

1881-S Green with Purple Pools

1885-O Textile Toned

(Added to my collection of photos, that is! image) The coins belong to GSAGUY.

A couple months ago there was a discussion of a textile-toned piece, and the premium it brought. At the time I didn't see the appeal of that piece (at least not at the premium), but the last coin here, well... my eyes have been opened! My favorite of the five, actually.



  • Dog97Dog97 Posts: 7,874 ✭✭✭
    I like the endroller.
    Change that we can believe in is that change which is 90% silver.
  • braddickbraddick Posts: 24,180 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Incredible! Love them all, but the 85-O moves me.
    From all I've learned, Textile toning is the RAREST as the Morgan must lay, undisturbed- even the slightest, for about 40+ years to take on that 'look'.
    Ever since learing this little tidbit I've been on the lookout for these and have yet to come across even ONE for sale (that also was attractive).


  • WHOOOEEEE---I like the'90cc, as it is a good date, and beautifully toned as well. Y'all know I like blazers better, but these are NICE.
  • gemtone65gemtone65 Posts: 901 ✭✭✭
    These are exceptional pieces Supercoin. I seem to recall seeing some fairly recently on the internet; the '81-s I believe was formerly owned by Anaconda, and perhaps one or two others were as well. What are the grades and grading companies?
  • gemtone65, I posted the photos for GSAGUY... maybe he'll share some more info when he checks in.
  • GilbertGilbert Posts: 1,533 ✭✭✭
    D@mn SUPErcoin,

    I though you were expanding your "for sale" inventory. No need to look at something I can't have. image
  • nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,386 ✭✭✭
    Here's mine:

  • gemtone65gemtone65 Posts: 901 ✭✭✭
    Supercoin: Ah, no wonder the coins are exceptinal and look familiar. (Somehow I missed your note about the coins' ownership in the original thread.) I was pondering how someone could possibly acquire 5 coins like that at a single show, such as LB. Yes, I was fortunate enough to have seen them before in person. Great stuff! This is what monster coins should loo like.
  • pontiacinfpontiacinf Posts: 8,915 ✭✭
    ITS NICE TO see the hometown homeboys with the KILLER TONES

    nice additions Tad image

    Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill
  • prooflikeprooflike Posts: 3,879 ✭✭
    They are all really nice, I like the end-roller & the 85-O best.

  • gsaguygsaguy Posts: 2,425
    Thanks for that help Supercoin! And I appreciate the compliments from the forum members.

    Hey, if you guys like the textile pattern, I'll try to find some scans of my favorite coin or two and have them posted as well.

  • 09sVDB09sVDB Posts: 2,420 ✭✭✭
    I am not a big fan of toning, but I really like these.
  • I'm speechless. WOW!
    Buy/Sell/Trade Rainbow Morgans
  • gsaguygsaguy Posts: 2,425
    I've gotten a request from a forum member to post some details on the toned morgans in this thread.

    As explained in my PM to the forum member, most of the toned Morgans I buy are 65's and 66's, both PCGS and NGC. I've also bought quite a few 67's and even a few 68's. However, when I do display my coins I prefer the way they look in Capital Plastics holders and therefore most have been removed from their original PCGS and NGC holders. I'll typically match the coins up in 2's, 3's, and even have a few boards with 5 coins total that all have similar toning.

    I realize that some forum members might be horrified to hear that I've cracked out coins that were certified MS66 and 67, but since the value of a beautifully toned Morgan has virtually nothing to do with its Greysheet price for the grade, I don't see where it's really a detriment. The coin is, what it is, regardless of what a label in a piece of plastic has to say.

    Having said the above, I've not yet had the nads to crack out any of my toned 68's!imageimageimage

    Thanks all!!

  • The textile tones are awsome. Would love to see more if you have the time.
    Buy the coin...but be sure to pay for it.
  • dragondragon Posts: 4,548 ✭✭
    Those are some VERY pretty dollars indeed! I've also cracked some of my beautifully toned pieces out and put them in the 3 X 3 Capital holders.

  • nwcs, that's a psychedelic looking Morgan! Is the portrait a shiny "crumpled aluminum foil" purple like that in real life, or is that from the camera flash?

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