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The tone thing

Ok ive finally broken down .. To much time on my hands what with school and a 40 hour a week job I have tons of time. So I figured about 2 months ago before I was back in school to try out some toning experiments on some 1964 Kennedy's I took 10 of them and stuck them in various places around my apartment to see what would happen and well guess what .. There is absolutly nothing has happened they are just a shiny and white as they were when I started. Sheese talk about disappoinment. I dont know what the heck all you other tone doctors are doing but I guess I dont have the tone dirt in my apartment. image I tried in the bathroom in the closet in the bookcase in the entertainment center and even some shoes I dont ware that much heck and just to give it a try my ice fishing lure box Nothing notta zilch. What gives.... any clues

Im unemployed again after 1.5 years with Kittyhawk they let me go. image

My first YOU SUCK on May 6 2005


  • PushkinPushkin Posts: 2,029 ✭✭✭

    Bury a few in the cat's litter box for about 30 days. Be sure the cat receives a varied diet of freshly cooked beef, fish (some should be premium albacore tuna), and white chicken meat. Don't use any of those "odor eaters" in the box. If you stick to the correct diet for the cat, the results will amaze you!image

    You're out of luck if you don't have a cat, unless you can borrow one of your neighbor's cat's litter boxes.image

    Happy toning!image
  • lol I do have a cat and brandycat wouldnt be very happy finding kennedys in her box.

    Im unemployed again after 1.5 years with Kittyhawk they let me go. image

    My first YOU SUCK on May 6 2005
  • image

    Not to mention what a guest would think if they happened to see a litter box with Half Dollars in it.

    "I've got to get me one of those cats!!" image
    "Buy the coin, not the holder"

    Proof Dime Registry Set
  • PushkinPushkin Posts: 2,029 ✭✭✭

    Well, all the toning experts on this forum can laugh and make fun - I've been posting this secret for months and nobody cared. HA HA HA, where do you think all of that "naturally toned" silver comes from - the Land of the Toothfairy?

    And it not just the cat - its the diet, stupid!image
  • I have 8 indoor cats. I think it's time I put them to work. image
    "Buy the coin, not the holder"

    Proof Dime Registry Set
  • I just have one thing to say...


    thank you image

  • cladkingcladking Posts: 28,701 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It takes time. It is sped up with more heat. Leave some over your furnace
    all winter and you'll get at least a little color. For best results the coin should
    be cleaned in solvent and then get a very small amount of contaminant
    spread evenly over it as a "starter". Let the air get at it.
    Tempus fugit.
  • dorkkarldorkkarl Posts: 12,691 ✭✭✭
    a classic bhnc trick is to stick a cleaned bust half in a kraft envelop & leave on a windowsill w/ plenty of sunlight. it's worked for me.

    K S
  • PushkinPushkin Posts: 2,029 ✭✭✭

    If you don't have a cat, you can try baking a coin in a potato (with butter) at 300F for approximately 2-4 hours. I don't guarantee this method.

    I've also been told that baking copper in rutabegas (lightly buttered) works wonders on restoring a "natural" patina after a cleaning job. Might be interesting to see what happens with silver. Probably any high sulfur content vegetable would give some result.

    Stay tuned for more "natural toning" tips from Pushkin's kitechen.image
  • critocrito Posts: 1,735
    I've got a lumber yard up the street, fresh cut hard wood works every time image iridescent blues, reds and yellows galore. though my new particle board computer desk seems to be working pretty well too image Read somewhere that the pulping process increases the lignin content (whatever that means, hehe.)

  • Hey pushkin- Is that a cat or a mountain lion you're holding over your head? And if it's a cat, how big are the mice in Maine?image
    careful- that light at the end of the tunnel might be a freight train!
  • critocrito Posts: 1,735
    check out my monster rainbow toned silver ash tray image 100% natural toning, I guess... nothin' but wood used anyway image


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