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just 1 question a bad trader can use this message board

yes i find 2 bad traders on this message board
and they can use it
i don't understand
why moderator of this forum doesn't cancel these people
explain me
on europe a bad trader can't trade on message board
so here we can
i don't understand
collect grant hill cards

bad trader
joe benson
alden klein


  • First off, the moderators don't exist here. There are 2 administrators for all the boards. Then there is the business of who is and who is not. Accusations fly around here and truth is a rarity replaced by who has more friends willing to "back you up". If you go to almost any site, even ones that profess that they ban bad traders, you will find that there is someone who has bad trades at other sites but they are not held accountable because it was not on THAT site that the bad trades were made.

    Something has to be done about this. But until all the webmasters get together and establish some sort of agreement among themselves you will have this sort of disparity. image
    http://sportscardsheriff.com has over 8900 members and over 35,000 documented trades. Check it out if you have not already.
  • yes i don't understand
    on europe bad traders can't write message on forum
    how to do an attach files
    collect grant hill cards

    bad trader
    joe benson
    alden klein
  • This is not Europe. I highly doubt that every message board in Europe is without a bad trader on it.(or two, or three, etc)

    You cannot attach files at this site.
    http://sportscardsheriff.com has over 8900 members and over 35,000 documented trades. Check it out if you have not already.
  • hmm i know of at least 4 bad traders on here. Ive contacted Carol and she really doesnt care. she'd rather see GOOD traders (like derrick playr, etc) go because they like to have a little fun and they swear. all it took was a bad trader to write her once and they were gone.
  • on europe there is moderators
    they can see if the people correct or not
    if there is a pb with a trade the man can't comeback on forum
    more easy to trade
    collect grant hill cards

    bad trader
    joe benson
    alden klein
  • JBugs is right. This is an open forum and it is lightly moderated for cursing and off-topic posts, but they don't seem to care that bad traders/theives thrive here. One member used to post names/addresses of bad traders on this board to keep people from getting ripped, and the Administrators made him stop.......

    If you have some good refs and are looking for a safer place to trade, apply to Trader's Retreat (www.traderretreat.com). It is much safer (as you have to apply and are reviewed) and they have lots of great contests, etc

    I'd challenge you to a battle of wits...... but you appear unarmed

    "Stop talking, negotiating,
    Your feeble attempts at world peace
    Give me a %#@*ing break
    Need worldwide genocide, planetary suicide
    And when the whole damn world is dead
    there's your %#@*ing peace"
  • there are instances where mb the person isnt a bad trader theres mishaps and problems with the mail and so many other things that can happen. What your saying is not letting a person labeled as a bad trader, trade on a certain board again. I dont agree with that. however, i think if it become to be seen that the person is becoming a chronic bad trader and is very well known for ripping ppl off, thats a bit different story. However, i still dont think it should result in them being kicked off.
    References-hip9161,Danotorious,mik,mtgrinch,donniebaseball23,jeffo81,whitetornado,epag64, weasel510
  • CariconCaricon Posts: 819 ✭✭
    Ok, my little opinion on this. If the moderators don't have time, or don't care
    if people are getting ripped off my someone, then I see no reason as to why not post
    the persons name and address, the trade deal, and what happened as to why you were
    cheated. I see nothing wrong with this, as it will save someone else the time
    and their cards. I sure don't want to trade with someone and then find out the
    hard way that I'm never getting anything.
  • exactly jerik(except for the tr thing, but dont get me started there image)

    caricon- lke jerik said, the moderators have taken off several posts about bad traders, because they dont care. and frankly even if every bad trader was listed on here, it would be a hell of a burden to have to look through all the damn posts to see if your persons on there every trade you make. bad traders shouldnt be on here period!

  • << <i>hmm i know of at least 4 bad traders on here. Ive contacted Carol and she really doesnt care. she'd rather see GOOD traders (like derrick playr, etc) go because they like to have a little fun and they swear. all it took was a bad trader to write her once and they were gone. >>

    Sour grapes, eh? Belly aching about that over and over again is tiring. It will not change a thing. Cussing and personal attacks will not be allowed. They cannot look into every "allegation" of someone being a bad trader. Just does not pay enough I guess. Collectors Universe makes their money primarily in two ways. Through grading of Coins and Cards. This forum is merely a free service they offer and apperently they do not want to put much into it.

    The fact is this message board is a very small in Collectors Universes plan. I spoke directly to the CEO and he assured me how insignifigant this forum is.(we had other business matters to attend to)

    Many smaller sites do ban and try to keep bad traders out. However, there are many smaller sites and Yahoo/MSN groups so they just go from one to the next ripping people off. Meanwhile the webmasters of sports card sites do not work together to help put an end to it.

    For the record. EUROPE has nothing to do with anything. Everything is NOT better in Europe. Give us a link to this great place called "Europe" to prove me wrong...image
    http://sportscardsheriff.com has over 8900 members and over 35,000 documented trades. Check it out if you have not already.
  • over and over again? what? this is the only day ive said anything about it. and a waste of time to look into a bad trader?? WHAT?? are you crazy or are a bad trader defending your fellow bad traders?? if they dont want the responsibility of looking into it, then let somebody else do the job. Id gladly take on a little responsiblity to get rid of the bad traders.

    oh and "for the record", id rather have a little fun, and have to stand a little bit of swearing, over getting ripped off again! hell, dont give me crap about little kids, if they watch tv they here it jsut as much, if not more! and in the music too!
  • The two things are not connected in any way. Trying to connect them leads me to believe you are in favor of the cussing and personal attacks that were going on before. The people that were banned for that had every opportunity to change their posting habits. They were warned. These two things have NOTHING to do with each other. Bad Traders can cuss and slam others too.

    The point is that who says you are not a Bad Trader? You question me... What is to stop everyone accusing everyone else of being a bad trader and we all are on stickies at the top of a STICKIE forum? Get it? Everyone would like the job, but let me tell you strait up. It is not going to happen HERE...
    http://sportscardsheriff.com has over 8900 members and over 35,000 documented trades. Check it out if you have not already.
  • ok thanks to answer at the great pb finally
    because you can lost a lot of money
    i lost more good cards AND I WAS HUNGRY
    and if someone ON THIS FORUM look message concerning bad traders and cancel ID of bad traders
    it's more easy to trade and you can send first
    there is no pb to find great cards
    if there is only good traders it's more easy you know
    collect grant hill cards

    bad trader
    joe benson
    alden klein
  • lol, so ur still saying cussing is worse than ripping people off. and as for personal attacks, there werent too many of those going on and i can see y they got booted, but not derrick playr etc, who didnt do anyhting wrong.
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