New coin designs @#$&#@**&!@
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WHAT A JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just read the article in Coin World. Bimetallic compositions. Letterd edges?
There hasn't been a decent design of any coins or commems sence the end of the classics.
We've had to suffer through the Ike, Susan B Agony, Sac, Roose, Kennedy, and the Franklin's not that great.
Leave the Lincoln Cent alone. I don't collect them but Abe has been on the cent so long I think he should stay forever.
The rest they might as well just make plastic tokens like they have in Vegas, BECAUSE THERE WILL NEVER EVER BE ANOTHER PRETTY COIN COME OUT OF THE US MINT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anybody else have opinoins?
I hate to admit it but I think you are correct. There is no imagination left in Washington. Everything has become to politically correct. No one wants to challenge the status quo and is too afraid they might piss some lobby group off.
The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
Your absolutly right bill. And if anybody doesn't agree, just look at the pic of the 1918 quarter in Bills sig. and then look at any coin we have now. There is no contest. It's beauty and crap!!!!!!!!!!
Did you read the one about the State Quarters? The Mint designers aren't given pictures of what the designs look like, only descriptions. No wonder there's animosity coming from the states about the changes the Mint has made. I only glanced at it yesterday. I'm going to read it all tonight. Hope I got the details correct.
Why did the dollar coin fail? Our No Guts Government (in all their politically correct wisdom) wouldn't take the paper dollar out of circulation. Whimps! All they had to do was give a 12-18 month (or even 24) window to get everything changed over, then take the dollar bill out of circulation. But nooooooo!
"The American people like their paper dollar". Well, yes I do. But I also understand finances and it's a big waste of money to keep printing them compaired to minting the coins. Canada did it right, for one example. We've screwed it up TWICE.
Jon, you're right. That SLQ is one of the most beautiful coins the Mint has EVER issued.
NOT.....Not.......not !!!!
But you do know the Mint has zero control over the designs. We faciliate, but never have final choice. Unfortunately we dont have a president like TR who knew quality and beauty. Dont we all wish there was a new design to rival the St. Gaudens in beauty.
If the coinage is to be messed with, then maybe a Teddy Roosevelt $2 dollar coin. Works well in Canada ($2 coin) Refered to as a toonie. Looks wrong,
but so does twoney. I don't know how to spell it. It just works. Right now, I have Canadian $1 and $2 coins in my hand. Haven't been to Canada in 7 years,
yet the coins feel natural .
Anyone ever feel that using an SBA, IKE, SAC, or Kennedy half feels natural when spending money. Hell, most clerks can't even recognize these as currency. Seen
threads elsewhere about store clerks thinking they were conterfeit. Guess that is why only collectors or change mongers (I'm Here) have them.
America does need a $1 coin that is accepted as currency. Lettered edges is cost preventative. Octagonal is lame. Didn't work before. The size was wrong too!
Canada's $1 has 11 sides. Sounds dumb, but it works. The $2 has reeded edges, with smooth spots. That's why it works. The weights are different and the size slightly different.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell the difference!
Remember, Congress authorizes currency changes and mintage. I firmly believe that most of them don't have a clue as to the metal content of any present U.S. coinage.
I don't even understand bimetllic mintage. Who really conterfeits coins for currency? Even paper forgers usually go for $10 and up. Even people that see clearly, don't see
any difference with the metals. The blind can tell more easily if a bill is conterfeit, as with coinage.
I agree with your conclusion. Congress will only change the way it's done if the smell (of money) agrees with them. O.K. I am cynical about politicians. They would rain on their
own parade if it got them votes. No significant changes in design, except for failure. We already went over that. Must say that I truly like the silver eagle. Not a functional currency
Keep Abe and Tom. George has his place secured until 2012 or later at the speed congress works.
Just my opion. Cliche'