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How many sets does PSA have yet to weight???

November 1st is right around the corner. Will they weight all the sets before the awards are handed out?



  • carlos i think that is a back burner issue right now. but if you want any set weighted just contact gayle with idea as to weight i did that on a set myself she was back to me in two days with only small chages made to my sugestions,from what she told me they of course want to weight them all down the line just a matter of time but if someone asks for and has any ideas on how any certain year should be, they will act upon it.you might want to start a link on the 72 football set with grade weight ideas then forward the best to gayle, my idea on 72 football would be as follows stabach and namath in action =10/ spurrier =6 /butkas@ high checklist = 4 major high # stars like /spurrier in action griese and butkas/=4 all common high# =2 and major low series stars like riggins/namath/bradshaw/alzado/plunkett/sayers ect =2 and some of the high #s a =3 like warfield /lilly/page/taylor/blanda well just my thoughts
  • BJBJ Posts: 393 mod
    Weighting sets is definitely not on the back burner and we are weighting new sets every week. However, the truth is that we load more new sets every week than we weight. Eventually, that trend will be reversed.

    BTW, Gayle Kean is not your contact for weighting. Gayle actually does the data entry when it is time to weight a set, but first the information must be built into a spreadsheet and approved. Therefore, if you want to send in your suggestions for weighting, send them directly to me. Your suggestions actually speed up the process considerably for us, so we greatly appreciate any help that comes our way.

    BJ Searls
    Set Registry & Special Projects Director
    PCGS (coins) www.pcgs.com
    PSA (cards & tickets) www.psacard.com
  • bj me ERROR i was dealing with gayle on another matter I KNOW YOU ARE THE ONE WHO DEALS WITH WEIGHTING you helped me when i inquired about a set being waited took care of it in couple days after i sent in some idea you made only small and in hindsite correct changes, i did not mean to offend by saying back burner i just ment getting to a certain set unless it was specificly asked for could take time as you all swamped with sets to weight (bad choice of words on my part) so anyway once again bj takes controll HATS OFF BJ image again sorry to the errors i must have been confused and in a state of shook after the redskins won image
  • carkimcarkim Posts: 1,166 ✭✭
    Therefore, if you want to send in your suggestions for weighting, send them directly to me. Your suggestions actually speed up the process considerably for us, so we greatly appreciate any help that comes our way.

    This is correct...I sent in suggested weights for the 1961 Topps Football set and the weights were posted two days later. If we have a set listed, that hasn't been weighted, please send your suggestion to BJ. Maybe us collectors can be of some help.


    PS BJ's email address
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