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Currency Auction at Baltimore by Bowers & Merena

The Paper Money section of the Bowers & Merena auction at the
Baltimore Coin and Currency Convention (November 8-10, 2002)
has some really rare material in it. A serial #2 Sheet on the Labor
National Bank of Jersey Ciy, NJ; a rare 1882 Triple-Signature $50.00 Gold Certificate (Fr-1189a); a 1928 $20.00 12 Subject Sheet on
Minneapolis (one of two known); an Original Series $50.00 National
Bank Note on the National Bank of the State of Missouri in St. Louis;
an 1880 $500.00 Legal Tender Note (Fr-185-k) which is the only one
known in private hands; an Extremely Rare 1882 $1000.00 Gold
Certificate (Fr-1818-f) in VF (one of eight known); a scarce 1891
$1000.00 Silver Certificate (Fr-344) in VF, and a 1882 $100.00
Gold Certificate (Fr-1202) in VF with autographed countersignature
of Thomas Acton. One of two known. Plus many more extreme
rarities in U. S. and Colonial Currency. For more information about
the Bowers and Merena auction call 800-458-4646.

Currency Dealers. There are two tables remaining in the Currency
Section for Baltimore. Call 561-392-8551 if you would like table
space. The Convention is very close to being sold out now, and
we will be starting a waiting list very shortly. Ed Kuszmar

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