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Would these statements by RUSS qualify him as a troll?

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Posts: 3873
Joined: Apr 2002
Saturday October 05, 2002 7:24 PM (NEW!)

Hey, toad, I just got this eMail from your mom!

<< I understand that my son has been making a mess here at this web site. I have to apologize for his behaviour.
His father and I are at our wits end with him. We've tried everything; psychiatrists, counseling, tough love. Nothing seems to work. We simply don't know why he turned out the way he did.

Please believe me when I tell you that all of our other children turned out just fine. He is the only one with all these problems.

The school counseler says that it might be because he has a 1" penis and the other boys make fun of him when he is in the shower. I don't think this is the problem though. As a homosexual, it really shouldn't matter since he always plays the female role and doesn't use it anyway.

The psychiatrist suggested that it might be because of all the sexual abuse from his Uncle when he was younger. But, since he enjoys that type of thing, I don't think that's it either.

Maybe it's because we caught him molesting the dog a few years ago? Or the fact that he has the worst case of acne ever recorded, and the kids are always calling him pizza face?

Or it could be that bed-wetting thing. I mean, my God, at 16 years old, you'd think he could get up and go to the bathroom instead of peeing all over himself every night!

Again, I am very sorry for all this. You could really help us out if you would simply remember that he has a lot of problems, both mental and physical, and react to him accordingly.


Kincoins's Mom >>

Russ, NCNE


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