Tradedollarnut...this one's for you!
Posts: 2,975
Just wanted to say thanks for sharing your magnificent collection with us all. If only
all collections of this caliber were made publicly available for viewing via the web!
From time to time, I click on the link at the bottom of your frequent posts and just sit
back and browse. My favorite on today's excursion was the gorgeous 1879-S in MS67.
Your site is very informative in regards to the series, as well as US History of the
period...not to mention all of the beautiful coins! I highly recommend that everyone
make time to visit!
all collections of this caliber were made publicly available for viewing via the web!
From time to time, I click on the link at the bottom of your frequent posts and just sit
back and browse. My favorite on today's excursion was the gorgeous 1879-S in MS67.
Your site is very informative in regards to the series, as well as US History of the
period...not to mention all of the beautiful coins! I highly recommend that everyone
make time to visit!
And I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Dave Bowers for allowing me to utilize verbage from his fantastic "Encyclopedia of Silver Dollars and Trade Dollars of the United States".
Don't you want to thank your family and friends for being supportive, and God for blessing you with good fortune?
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
I can be reached at
Perhaps surviving their cold stares and their silent treatment when you go out and buy these nutty little thing would be more like it?
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
I can be reached at
When I try to talk to her about coins is when I get the rolling eyes. She says it sounds like "blah, blah, blah, 1885, blah, blah, dollar, blah and blah"!
profit I was able to realize upon selling one...but that is a double-edged sword!
And, of course, I don't tell her about the ones I lose money on.