I think this seller is the same seller who used to have full page ads in the SCD with higher buy prices than sell prices. He seems to have quite a few ungraded complete sets in "NMMT" condition on ebay. All of the other sets were completely ungraded. Champs certainly adds to the credibility of this set.
Alan...thanks for the laugh, it's been a bad day. What a bunch of double-talk. "It's near-mint....no it's near-mint-mint....well Champs says it's near-mint, but the grades are 5.0...maybe it's ex-mint..." Who bid $2000 for this mess?
Isn't Champs a chain of sports bars? I guess diversifying makes sense. I can't wait for the "Order a pitcher of beer, get your card bumped up a grade" special. Most of the cards I sent them came back graded as (ST-HW) ("stained - hot wings").
Reap the whirlwind.
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Isn't Champs a chain of sports bars? I guess diversifying makes sense. I can't wait for the "Order a pitcher of beer, get your card bumped up a grade" special. Most of the cards I sent them came back graded as (ST-HW) ("stained - hot wings").