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Hmm, now why would my post about Quasar be deleted?

Could it be because he's a spineless suck up to the mods? Yes, I think so!

Boy Joyce, that is some man you got. Handles his problems by A) physical violence or B) running and crying to someone to help him. What a joke he is.


  • Yeah, he didn't need to threaten you like that. Why is he so mad at you? image
    Culpepper to ?, only God knows at this point!
  • Now your post was deleted, but it's ok for him to private message you and make physical threats? Just doesn't seem right now does it. Hmmmm, somebody's playing favorites.
  • Maybe someone finally broke the news to him and Joyce that they're not moderators.
  • freak I don't like you at all, but I hate suck ups worse than anything or anybody on this board.

    I'll be cool with you on this post.


  • I think what we have here is a case of, "I'm gonna push this guy around in front of my girlfriend and she's gonna think I'm a big macho stud," but when you didn't back down and the plan backfired, He just wanted it removed to avoid any more embarrasment. I just wish I had the power around here to get people's threads terminated if I didn't like what they wrote.image
    Culpepper to ?, only God knows at this point!

  • << <i>I think what we have here is a case of, "I'm gonna push this guy around in front of my girlfriend and she's gonna think I'm a big macho stud," but when you didn't back down and the plan backfired, He just wanted it removed to avoid any more embarrasment. I just wish I had the power around here to get people's threads terminated if I didn't like what they wrote.image >>

    actually he did it in a pm not in front of his girlfriend.you guys dont have a thing to do with this..it is between freak and q....no one else....therefore the rest of you should chill........if you dont know q,
    then you cant judge him according to what someone else is saying about him.....like i said its between those 2
  • First of all, thank you nikobe.

    Second, 2323 pretty much nailed it.

    Third, battier, this is everyone's business, since Quasar likes to strut around pushing everyone around on here and getting posts that he doesn't like deleted. He's a total joke, and people should know that they don't have to bow down everytime him or his woman decide a post is offensive.
  • Freak why don't you leave it alone .You are a pain in the A$$ you have something to say about everthing and everyone .And not much of it is good .................

    For once just shut up!!!

    I wish they would boot you for good !!!!!!!!!!!!

    You act like a freaking baby !!!!!!!!
    Ref's many

    Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's

  • Oh, do you want to fight me too now LMAO
  • Quasar pm'd me to attack me, for supposedly being rude to his so-called girl, who he's probably never even met face to face with his gay litle internet romance. It's pretty embarrassing that 1) I didn't say anything rude to her, 2) if I did, she can't handle things like an adult, and 3) he's so insecure in his manhood that he needs to challenege someone to a fist fight if they dare disagree with his internet girlfreind.

    How these problems of his are my fault, I will never understand. It'd be great if both of them would take their own advice and go someplace else to trade.
  • Het Battier- It started in a PM, and ended up on this forum for everybody to see, there it is for everybody to see and comment on if they like, MUCH like you did. I'll bet you wouldn't have had a thing to say to me if I had taken Quasars side, would you hippocrite?image
    Culpepper to ?, only God knows at this point!
  • haliguyhaliguy Posts: 587 ✭✭
    Ryan - you say that Quasar is crying and running to someone to help him... yet you've posted no less than 20 messages on the topic... so if crying isn't what you are doing, what is it? If I were Mike I'd apologize for threatening to beat you... any real man wouldn't want to fight someone of your maturity, or shall I say immaturity. You brought this to the attention of the forum hoping your little groupies would come to your rescue. Be a man and handle your own problems.

    This started through PM's, and there is no reason why it shouldn't have been settled in PM's.
  • Freak - You know I think your a Great Trader. But you gotta cool down. Joyce is a great person, and as far as I know so is Mike (I think that's Q's name.). If they have an internet romance, it's there's not yours image maybe something will result from it. Just imagine "Couple Married after meeting on Collector's Forum!" That'd be pretty cool. But thats a ways away I know. But anyway just cool down...

    Oh and I do think that wat Q said to you is wrong (In PM's) but then again you talking all this crap and makign a HUGE scene out of it isn't showing that your any more of a man then he is, is it?
  • 2323 i could careless who side you take you are gay anyway....go get some business how about that
  • haliguy, I don't recall asking anyone for help. I'm not "crying" to anyone, like how Quasar cries like a little girlm when someone makes a post he doesn't like. I don't need anything from anyone, I just want people to remember this next time he gets on his sellf-righteous high horse and chatises someone for being inappropriate.
  • Man, this isn't LOVE CONNECTION, it's a buy, sell, trade forum. If people want to get all mushy, keep it in PM's, we all don't need to see it, most of us don't want to. I mean, why can someone physically threaten someone via pm, but on the other hand, can't physically love someone via pm? Just doesn't make sense. Also it seems like it is ok when those certain people post off topic, but heaven forbid anyone else posts off topic or a poll, because they complain that it has nothing to do with this board. Did the Vincesanity post get deleted also with all the swearing?
  • Ryan you just don't get it do you .You affend alot people on this board with all this childish BS you say ..

    I for one have spoke to you about this problem that you seem to have in the past .Sooner or later you need to grow up and stop acting like a child.

    To ask me if I want to fight you is very good example of what I'm talking about.At times I do wish you lived in Tampa so I could meet you have a good face to face with you and see what would come of it .So next time you come to Tampa feel free to look me up...And we might be able work that out if you like ........................

    Ref's many

    Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's

  • HAHA Battier, is that all you got, that I'm gay? Pathetic! simply pathetic! Now, why don't you just run along now and continue on you're quest to kiss the big three's backsides.image
    Culpepper to ?, only God knows at this point!
  • I deleted the post due to the language.

    If you cannot use this forum without the profanity, I will remove you as many times as I need too.

    Clean it up!

  • Charlie, you really need to talk to the members who are threatning others, seeing that is worse than language. Physical Threats have no place here on CU, and this member has done it time and time again. So if someone actually gets hurt, it would end up coming back against CU for allowing such acts to take place. Just a precaution so this board can actually be cleaned up of the "TRUE" problem members.

  • I seem to recall them cleaning you off the boards.

    I applaud the moderators here for their efforts in BABYSITTING this forum.
    Looking for former University of Arizona NBA RC's in PSA or BGS 9's/GEM MINT grades. Die hard University of Arizona and Bay Area Sports fan.
  • 2 guys on here whining about what a moderator should do and they both have been booted
    recently just to go to hotmail and get a new name
    but yet they both whine about physical violence that mike said
    how many times did he post and how many times did the both of you post
    derrick you have always been a great trader"tha man with 10,000 posts" but you still got booted and
    neither of you was booted because of anyone but yourselves
    why not take some responsibility upon yourselves instead of blaming,and drawing more and more
    attention to yourselves.
    I collect all! mostly football- My main collectable wants are Jamal Lewis,Ray Lewis, and cool ass auto's

    refs:jeffo81,baird,Romeo,co1lector,Euphoria18,Cardnyou and many more just ask

  • Derrick has been too busy with your girl to come back here, so get your facts straight before you make yourself look like an idiot!!!image
  • Hmmm, now honestly I don't remember any foul language on the post about Quaser's THREAT, however I do remember a post regarding free balling (hope that's not what it sounds like) and the post contained repeated use of the 'F' word. I now see that post has been deleted and applaud you for your cleaning of it, however here's where my problem/beef lies. It seems as if off-topic posts should really be in other forums, i.e. Happy Birthday posts (Why not in the Open Forum?) and CD/Playstation/X-Box type stuff (Why not in the B/S/T Miscellaneous?).
  • Like I said earlier, you get these people that complain that people are posting off topic, but in turn they post off topic with post like.

    "Little Jimmy is a Great Trader"
    "I hate the Marlins"
    "Happy Birthday"
    "I met Joe Blow today"
    "Avril is a Poser"image
    "I went Golfing"
    "D'Backs Rule"

    The list goes on and on

    Why is it ok for those people to post off topic and then some one else posts something and heaven forbid someone doesn't like it and complains about it having nothing to do with buy/sell/trade. Either they all go or they all should stay, I mean, why should one off topic be accepted and another not (as long as it is clean)?
  • Ryan you just don't get it do you .You affend alot people on this board with all this childish BS you say ..

    Now you want to fight me too. Well thats just great. Aren't there any civilized people on here?

    Charlie, your point is well taken. My posts are and will remain profanity free. I hope those who threaten physical violence will be spoken to as well, as I'm sure their is no double standard here...right?
  • Freak, can't you just act like a normal person, remember the Golden rule, treat others how you want to be treated, and proper internet Etiquette is to act how you would act in normal life, and not take on a new idenity. Stop harrasing and making idiotic posts on this board. This is for trading, if you want to act like a fool get off this board walk outside and do it. We are here to trade, this is not reality, why waste your time arguring with people and causing problems? This is why this board has soo many problems because of senseless posts like this one. What is done is done, and no moaning about it is going to change. If you have a problem, why can't you just private message a moderator like a normal person, instead of trying to make caesar and joyce look bad, when I really get the impression I feel you are more bad than both of them. I can see that they are acting very mature, and not complaining, and I feel as a trader, more trust in there respectfulness to the rest of the board and would rather openhandly trade with them rather than yourself. They are not saying nothing, because they know this is a board to trade not talk trash. You are only making your self look bad, Caesar may or may not have asked a moderator to silence the situation, but that is the proper way, he 'might' of been complaining to the ops but you on the other hand are just complaining to the whole board, which we do not care. If you want to trade, trade, stop the trash and spam of this trading site.
    Thank You,
    LET"S GO CUBS!!!
    Cards & References:
    Jasons Players
  • Thanks for your input. I don't need to make "Ceasar" (who? Quasar?) look bad, he does it himself. He has to be the most whipped guy I've ever seen, and he hasn't even met the broad. What a joke.
  • sounds almost like jealousy...lol
    I collect all! mostly football- My main collectable wants are Jamal Lewis,Ray Lewis, and cool ass auto's

    refs:jeffo81,baird,Romeo,co1lector,Euphoria18,Cardnyou and many more just ask

  • Yes, it does get rather tiresome talking to and hooking up with real live girls. I'd much rather have an internet girl to trade cards with and let boss me around like Quasar! Thats gotta be GREAT!
  • you seem real interested in their life so it must be better than your own
    if you are getting the hook up so often then why act so hateful towards 2 people who like each other
    their relationship has nothing to do with you,and i see by 22 posts a day you get the hook up all the time
    you're just a playa...lol
    I collect all! mostly football- My main collectable wants are Jamal Lewis,Ray Lewis, and cool ass auto's

    refs:jeffo81,baird,Romeo,co1lector,Euphoria18,Cardnyou and many more just ask

  • This whole thing started with Quasar threatening me, for supposedly indulting his girl, which he never bothered to supply any proof or examples of. You want to throw that little punk a pity party, go nuts, but people with more than half a brain ain't buying it. He loves to talk about my "gang" but he's the one who has all his cronies (and my lap dogs) like you walking around singing his praises.
  • not praising anyone nor your lapdog but I do see you whining an awful lot
    like a little baby,when he threatened you why not ask why are you threatening me?
    why not say please dont do that it bothers me?
    oh yeah thats what adults would do,and last night he apolagized for it on one of your many posts
    so you ask why i would support him rather than you???
    you brought this out instead of handeling it like a man,you can call me a lapdog if you like
    but to me you are just a scared,jealous little boy in an almost 30 year old body
    when the attentions not on you you feel like you have nothing else in life....sad really
    I collect all! mostly football- My main collectable wants are Jamal Lewis,Ray Lewis, and cool ass auto's

    refs:jeffo81,baird,Romeo,co1lector,Euphoria18,Cardnyou and many more just ask

  • Who in the world said I'm 30?

    As founding member and cheif toadie in my fan club, you should know better.
  • not a fan club but like watching the news about broken down losers you dont wanna watch but you just have to
    its ok go ahead and let your jealousy out
    you must have no happiness in your life very sad
    I collect all! mostly football- My main collectable wants are Jamal Lewis,Ray Lewis, and cool ass auto's

    refs:jeffo81,baird,Romeo,co1lector,Euphoria18,Cardnyou and many more just ask

  • So, at what point do you quit calling me a loser and look in the mirror? You've been following me around all night.
  • why can you post talking trash and following good traders around and making fun of their posts
    but it seems to bother you oh so badly,why?
    me follow you...................dont flatter yourself
    im standing up for the more silent group of good traders here unlike your mouthy self
    i guess all i can say is deal with it
    I collect all! mostly football- My main collectable wants are Jamal Lewis,Ray Lewis, and cool ass auto's

    refs:jeffo81,baird,Romeo,co1lector,Euphoria18,Cardnyou and many more just ask

  • Well, as long as I've got you on a leash, get me a beer, dog.
  • SoFreak...,even with a new name is trouble still following you around or what,ryan. Someone said a post of yours was already deleted;now what have you done.
    we were gone for 2 weeks on vacation & had a blast,When we got back we see new names but alot of the old "gang" still hanging out.
    Just try to avoid the foul garbage as much as possible & you'll be ok with us for the most part.just our 2 lincolns!
    Bob & CJ
    Dad & Son

    ! ! Greatest Country on Earth ! !

    WANTS:Nicer Cal Ripken Inserts.
    Also want RCs of current Football-Hockey future stars.


    References:We have traded with many traders on this forum.We can provide list on request.
  • jason and bobby are both suck ups. How many brownies can you actually eat in one day? I seriously wouldn't doubt if both of you were the ones heavily picked on in elementry school.


  • you sure you are able to drink beer little boy? might lose your girlfriend...sob sob...
    I collect all! mostly football- My main collectable wants are Jamal Lewis,Ray Lewis, and cool ass auto's

    refs:jeffo81,baird,Romeo,co1lector,Euphoria18,Cardnyou and many more just ask

  • Did anybody doubt for one second that Bobstar would get involved in this post? It's been a couple weeks since anybody called me a foul mouth, kinda missed it.image
    Culpepper to ?, only God knows at this point!
  • mcdee2mcdee2 Posts: 1,150
    How is this for a final summary?

    Q and his girlfriend obviously know what goes on here.. its not theirs to "save"... they can go to another website and avoid it all... if you dont like how you are being treated... there is always the fleer and topps boards... I mean what really does PM'ing like you are Hulk Hogan accomplish????
  • i agree with mcdee....image


    South Of The Border Cards




    R.I.P Josher416
  • Q and his girlfriend obviously know what goes on here.. its not theirs to "save"... they can go to another website and avoid it all... if you dont like how you are being treated... there is always the fleer and topps boards... I mean what really does PM'ing like you are Hulk Hogan accomplish????

    Leave it to Frank to say this more clearly than anyone else. Quasar and his girl still think that they get to run this place, and it's a rude awakening indeed to find out they can't. I guess that leads to these uncharacteristic threats of physical violence by Quasar, but who knows.

    Bobstar, I won't keep you here. People have been posting things that you might not like for 2 whole weeks, so I'm sure you've got a lot of work to do. You'll be amazed to know that while you were gone, the board somehow managed to not completely collapse. It's as if all that griping you do is worthless, huh?
  • "Gripe"! Me! I never gripe.All I have ever done on this forum is to let
    members know that they don't have to put up with some of the garbage that was going on.I never waste my time & this post proves it;some of the very members who were booted off & are now back have been posting threads in a more acceptable manner.Thus,as far as I am concerned,MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
    Some of your so called "gang"has even said so in thier own threads.
    Just so you all know,we will continue doing what we have been doing since becoming members of this forum.CJ & I are going to enjoy this forum & trade with other great traders on this forum.
    You all have your fun in an appropriate manner;the past is the past as far as I am concerned.Thanks for the nice IMs Freak(Ryan);it's nice to know you missed me.2323;figures you would be a squarehead;it truly fits what you are & explains your severe shortcomings,little guy.Later!
    Bob & CJ
    Dad & Son

    ! ! Greatest Country on Earth ! !

    WANTS:Nicer Cal Ripken Inserts.
    Also want RCs of current Football-Hockey future stars.


    References:We have traded with many traders on this forum.We can provide list on request.
  • Wow, even Bobstar is being nice to me.

    Between Quasar turning into the drunk redneck at the bar ("you talkin' to my woman! Let's go outside!") and Bobstar sounding eminently reasonable, this whole board has gone topsy turvy!
  • Oh c'mon Bobby, KYLE and I would like to put everything in the past. Maybe we could even trade sometime. I know KYLE has a lot of Cal Ripken Jr. cards. How was you're and CJ's vacation? Good I hope! KYLE has been bugging me to take him on vacation for a long time. Well anyways, talk to you guys later.image
    Culpepper to ?, only God knows at this point!
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