Heritages credit rating system?
I won a lot at Long Beach, and they notified me to pay by such and such date to maintain my A-1 credit rating. I find this kind of pompus and I felt like e-mailing the back and telling them to be sure to ship by such and such a date to keep their rating with me
Do they have B- or C+ ratings? What do you guys think, thanks----------------BigE
I'm glad I am a Tree
non related...we got a Dr. bill the other day (First bill). Insurance had paid them and I owed the Dr. 10 bucks and some change. There was a bright orange sticker affixed to the bottom of the statement that read "PLEASE PAY NOW".
that really ticked me off. I enclosed a little note of my own to them telling them what I thought about it.
if you pay late, maybe heritage will send home a note for your parents to sign that you have to return.
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