Earliest dated coin?
I’m just curious - does anybody know when coins started having the date on them? I’m not too familiar with history, but if I understand correctly, even as recent as the middle ages the average person really wasn’t concerned with what year it was. I wonder when dates became important enough to put on coins?
see? My Auctions "Got any 1800's gold?"
Earliest dated coin in the world: Samian silver tetradrachm struck in Zankle (now Messina), Sicily, dated year 1, viz 494 BC, shown as "A."
Russ, NCNE
Obv: Caesar Dict Perpetvo(portrait of Julius Caesar)
Rev: P Macer. Ide Mar
Ides of March 44B.C : This is when Caesar was assasinated.
There is a similar type with a Brutus obv. and Dagger and cap reverse.
This is technically a date. I hate to be a purist. (I really love to).
Russ, NCNE
The more qualities observed in a coin, the more desirable that coin becomes!
My Jefferson Nickel Collection
Russ, NCNE
If I had the money I would buy both.
Remeber. Brutus was the good guy who wanted a republic instead of a dictator.