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Help with selling a card....

I have this exact card:
'98 Press Pass Reflectors Vince Carter

It sold for 32.00, should I wait for the season and sell, or sell now? P;lease vote and explain. Thanksimage

Looking for any Raef LaFrentz. Along with other former KU players.

Refs - MFFL, ejones6, lilsun1, injun01, RichyPF32, TheRockMic13, SMOOTHSHOOTER, TrFstPtch, funnyguy0016, LAdude465, Derrick, Nowizki, Scott2141, Josher416, thematrix31, uwftke26, duncangal, raf12, icon4400, cpandeaz3, Thito, Colton, amfox1, germanjayhawk, fuzz86, battier, awaltz

My Page
AOL - lafrentz06


  • most definitly wait...it will go back up when VC tears it up this season...if u sell now, u screw yourself outta a lot of cash...
  • TTT...Thanks alot, that's what I was thinking......
    Looking for any Raef LaFrentz. Along with other former KU players.

    Refs - MFFL, ejones6, lilsun1, injun01, RichyPF32, TheRockMic13, SMOOTHSHOOTER, TrFstPtch, funnyguy0016, LAdude465, Derrick, Nowizki, Scott2141, Josher416, thematrix31, uwftke26, duncangal, raf12, icon4400, cpandeaz3, Thito, Colton, amfox1, germanjayhawk, fuzz86, battier, awaltz

    My Page
    AOL - lafrentz06
  • TTT
    Looking for any Raef LaFrentz. Along with other former KU players.

    Refs - MFFL, ejones6, lilsun1, injun01, RichyPF32, TheRockMic13, SMOOTHSHOOTER, TrFstPtch, funnyguy0016, LAdude465, Derrick, Nowizki, Scott2141, Josher416, thematrix31, uwftke26, duncangal, raf12, icon4400, cpandeaz3, Thito, Colton, amfox1, germanjayhawk, fuzz86, battier, awaltz

    My Page
    AOL - lafrentz06
  • TTT...Please vote..
    Looking for any Raef LaFrentz. Along with other former KU players.

    Refs - MFFL, ejones6, lilsun1, injun01, RichyPF32, TheRockMic13, SMOOTHSHOOTER, TrFstPtch, funnyguy0016, LAdude465, Derrick, Nowizki, Scott2141, Josher416, thematrix31, uwftke26, duncangal, raf12, icon4400, cpandeaz3, Thito, Colton, amfox1, germanjayhawk, fuzz86, battier, awaltz

    My Page
    AOL - lafrentz06
  • I would hold off too, things will pick up soon image
    I still collect Tim Duncan! Love all high end auto's, and game used basketball of Tony Parker, and Ginobili too! image This means more to me than any card...You can catch me on my site: Highlight Reel Trading
  • i would hold on to it also
  • Thanks alot! Im not going to sell it quite yet. I bet I can make any where from $60-80..You think?

    Looking for any Raef LaFrentz. Along with other former KU players.

    Refs - MFFL, ejones6, lilsun1, injun01, RichyPF32, TheRockMic13, SMOOTHSHOOTER, TrFstPtch, funnyguy0016, LAdude465, Derrick, Nowizki, Scott2141, Josher416, thematrix31, uwftke26, duncangal, raf12, icon4400, cpandeaz3, Thito, Colton, amfox1, germanjayhawk, fuzz86, battier, awaltz

    My Page
    AOL - lafrentz06
  • what about our trade the collins for the wilt..........y rnt u on aim now?
    refs:Allenimage, knicks644, kls23, nismo68, kobecollector, truballer, nodoubt64, abandcards,ahares, jccrum, dmiles89, thematrix31, heelsfan1, joebenson, amfox1, metros69, tmac21, l3ulls4us, 90 more email refs on my site ..28 ebay refs

    bad traders:
    bradely25 aka JBSportscards

  • I am interested in purchasing your:
    98 press pass reflector if you want to sell?
    Please advise.

    always looking for rookies especially!
    hockey,baseball, Tiger Woods,Vince Carter,Michael Jordan
    Ilya Kovalchuk,

    -traded with Doplo,Thito,Autograph,

    Ebay feedback (744)
    Paypal is available

  • TTT...

    Dennis, I am going to hold on to it until the season starts. I let you know what I decide to do w/ it.


    Jon, I'll do that trade, PM me on AOL...
    Looking for any Raef LaFrentz. Along with other former KU players.

    Refs - MFFL, ejones6, lilsun1, injun01, RichyPF32, TheRockMic13, SMOOTHSHOOTER, TrFstPtch, funnyguy0016, LAdude465, Derrick, Nowizki, Scott2141, Josher416, thematrix31, uwftke26, duncangal, raf12, icon4400, cpandeaz3, Thito, Colton, amfox1, germanjayhawk, fuzz86, battier, awaltz

    My Page
    AOL - lafrentz06
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