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cpandeaz3 Please change your icon!

Ok man, I've been watching you on here since you joined CU and noticed that your having problems with quite a few people. I don't know if your a kid and all but when you are using my company logo and making a fool of yourself then I really don't like it. People will think you are part of cherrybombblast but really you have nothing to do with it.

My site is going to be up shortly and I request you pull down your icon and put something else up. Since you are the king of chrome, I'd suggest a chrome card or anything else.

The logo is official property of cherrybombblast and you are not allowed to use it without permission. I did grant you permission earlier to use it but after seeing some of your other posts, I want you to use another icon.

You may be a good trader and all but I don't want people thinking that you are part of my company. It's a simple request and I hope you don't have any problems with it. Thanks.


  • What is CherryBombBlast?
  • It's my company name for webdesign. My site is currently under construction. I did have that as an old icon on CU when I first started out. cpandeaz3 found it and started using it. I did tell him that it was my icon and he requested using it which I let him. Now that he is causing some problems I do want him not to use it anymore.

    I will make a request with the moderators to pull the icon.
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