New Mercury dime set

A new set appeared on the Mercury dime registry set. I came out of no where and pushed me down to number 11. It was nice at number 10 for a while. I see it cost a fair amount of money to be in the top 5, That's just the may the set is.
Again NO signals from the new member, Now the new should send me a dime needed for my set for passing without a signal
Again NO signals from the new member, Now the new should send me a dime needed for my set for passing without a signal
Pat Vetter,Mercury Dime registry set,1938 Proof set registry,Pat & BJ Coins:724-325-7211
But like you said Pat, he owes two coins, one that you are missing, and one that I am missing...
My Dimes
<< If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right the first time! >>
The Hunt, The Accomplishment, The Acquaintances and The Fun should come ahead of The Rank. I am also Guessing that this is how Most Feel also.
out,if we get to choose I would like the 16-d or the 18-d
either would be fine what do you guys think
I'm fairly competitive by nature, but common sense tells me that I'll never be able to compete with the truly great sets. I'll just complete my sets with the best coins I can afford, and leave the pursuit of top-pops to those with deeper pockets.
Today I photographed my latest Merc, a '24-D in 64FB, and took new pictures of all my Buffaloes and Standing Liberties. I wish more people would add pics or scans. There are 37 Buffalo sets registered, but only 3 have any pics, and no one else has posted pics of their Standing Liberty quarters. It's such a great design, and I'd love to see some of the scarcer dates. Digital cameras are cheaper than ever, and they're not that difficult to use. Are people intimidated by the technology, or spending all of their money on coins?
My Buffaloes
My Standing Liberty quarters
you are absolutly correct. It is the fun of it, and the accomplishment that I am after. When it is all over (when I get all 65fb's), I know that there are so many sets far superior to mine, and yes I enjoy looking at their sets also. Like I said in the past, I hope we can display a few sets at a mojor show, like the Indians just did, that would make my day!
I get his 1931SMS65FB, that would almost complete my Large Short Set....
glad you brought up the pics on the buffalos, I am a little behind on the rest of the pics (sorry), but I will get time in the next few weeks to finish that project up...
My Dimes
<< If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right the first time! >>
Some of you guys without Pictures please yell at Me seems how I believe it will be a Slow Winter at work. For a Nominal Fee plus Travel I can come to your place and do pictures for you this Winter.
My Buffaloes are Imaged.
Ken, Dennis, and Jim I agree with all of your thoughts on why you collect what you collect and in what grades. We all have our limits like ole' Clint E. said in his movie. I have set a certain goal in my Mercs and when I get there it won't matter to me where I rank. I still have a hole to fill and several upgrades to do before I have to worry about that. And like Ken said there are several set below me now that if completed in the same grades will pass me. It's just fun to have the friendly competation with the fellow Merc guys/gals.
How about the COWBOYS. I was there and it was great! A field goal as time runs out sure is fun and SOOO bad for the other guys.
Nice Buffalo. They are really pretty coins.
Good luck to all.Al
Jim ,nice Buff's,you have a good eye.
that was a clooooooose game..shweeeeeew. but a good one for Da'Boys!!!!!!!!
By the way, I picked up my 23s, and I hope it is a keeper.
My Dimes
<< If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right the first time! >>
You can thank me for the Cowboy win. They are 3 and 0 when I'm at the game in STL. Two with the Cardinals and now 1 with the Rams. It sure was fun to be there and see the play. The 2 games with the Cardinals was back when they had Too Tall Jones and that bunch.
On the 23-S. Where did you get it and what grade is it????? That's a really tuff coin as you well know.
Later, Jon