Old Topic - Estimated Grades in Sets

I know this is an old topic, but I'll toss it out again.
In the series that I collect, there are 2 sets which are in the All Time Finest which have the "*", which indicates that it is an estimated grade. Specifically, these sets never were graded by PCGS and are estimates. Does anyone else besides me have an issue with this? I bet the sets were top notch but so are many more sets that are not known. This is my whine of the day.
In the series that I collect, there are 2 sets which are in the All Time Finest which have the "*", which indicates that it is an estimated grade. Specifically, these sets never were graded by PCGS and are estimates. Does anyone else besides me have an issue with this? I bet the sets were top notch but so are many more sets that are not known. This is my whine of the day.
I have no problem recognizing historical sets. Just don't come up with an artificial average for them. Give them an honorable mention or a "historical" mention, but forget about ranking them...
It does seem funny that the exact same coin can change all time rankings.
Of course, jumps can be measured, grading coins is slightly more subjective.