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The worst thing about football season is........

Chris Berman's Tops 10 Plays of the Week on ESPN. Not only do I not like him in the first place, but the tops 10 so called "plays" he picks are just ridiculous. You know there are so many plays that desreve to make play of the week. Yet they onyl limit it to 10 plays, which in itself if bad enough. But when he picks, most of the time all he does is pick plays that were a part of a win but were not nessecarily the best plays of the week or even possibly the game. He may have 3-4 good to great plays in there and the rest are just basically certain plays just to show that that team won that day. I mean it is pretty sad that ESPN chooses to do this. Man I cant wait till Chris Berman, John "Mr. Obvious" Madden, and Pat "What's his name?" Summeral are off the air.
Always looking to trade for: Good Rookies, Bonds, Boxes, Good GU, Good Autos. E-mail czimme7777@aol.com

The Greatest Players in the History of Pro Football


  • LMAO! I hate Madden, he gives off the thought that we are al stupid and don't knwo what's going on. "Hmmm, this looks to be like it could be a Face Mask call John." "Pat, indeed this will be a face mask call." He overall is a moron himself. The only thing I hate about football season is you have to wait a week till you can watch it again image, oh and John Madden.
  • I love it anytime John explains the 2 point conversion. "Well, ya see, now they are going to go for 2 points here. By going for 2 points, they will lead by 3 points, which is a field goal. If they went for 1 point then they would only be up by 2, which means a FG can beat them. By going for 2, they will lead by 3 which means a FG will only tie." WOW! Thanks for the insight Madden. Heck my 6 year old cousin knows that, jees. How about some real insight for a change?
    Always looking to trade for: Good Rookies, Bonds, Boxes, Good GU, Good Autos. E-mail czimme7777@aol.com

    The Greatest Players in the History of Pro Football
  • Yea, like the fact he has 36 chins image
  • Actually the worst thing about the football season is that in January it will have to come to an end.image
    Culpepper to ?, only God knows at this point!
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