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Coin Show, Ft. Walton Beach FL, Sept 28 & 29

I know this is probably a long shot, but I was wondering if anyone here might live close enough to be going to this show.

Ft. Walton Beach Semi Annual Show
Westwood Retirement Center
Ft. Walton Beach FL

I'm planning to be there with my family sometime Saturday, probably around 12:00pm until about 2:30pm. That is unless Hurricane Isidore makes us stay home that weekend.


  • RampageRampage Posts: 9,486 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I might be able to make that one. I did not know there was one being held there. I live about 3 hours away and have friends that live near by there.
  • Well, I was actually entertaining the idea until I mapped the route and saw how far it is from me. (344 miles) image Guess I'll pass on this show.
    currently owned by 5 Labradors

    Blaze - Yellow male b 3/17/93
    Onyx - Black male b 3/7/99
    Duchess - Yellow female mix b 3/12/02 rescued 9/18/02
    Rifle - Yellow male mix b 12/1/02 rescued 8/8/03
    Diamond - Black female b 5/3/05 adopted 8/3/05

    First Cam-slam - 9/21/04

    My eBay
  • Dog97Dog97 Posts: 7,874 ✭✭✭
    That's just on the other side of Pcola it's a possibility.
    Change that we can believe in is that change which is 90% silver.
  • Thinking about going. Will make final decision Thursday has anyone ever been to this show?image
    Collect for enjoyment
  • itsnotjustmeitsnotjustme Posts: 8,779 ✭✭✭
    ooooohhh... just 159 miles...

    Huricane Isadore may prevent me from going... I'm mission essential at work, and if it follows the projected path, we'll be getting fully prepped for if it visits Biloxi MS.
    Give Blood (Red Bags) & Platelets (Yellow Bags)!
  • I live south of Orlando so it is too far for me. I'm waiting for the central Florida show on Oct 4th-7.
  • jharjhar Posts: 1,126
    It's just a small local club show, only about 15 tables, but considering the fact that only show within driving distance any time soon and my family and I are going to be in the area that weekend anyway, (short vacation in Destin) I though we would go.

    Hurrican Isidore may put a damper on us going however. If that bad boy decides to head towards NW Florida, and SE Alabama you won't find us anywhere near FT Walton!!!

    But if Isidore stays away, then I will be there that afternoon.
  • I used to live in Pensacola. That is a small locals show. If anyone goes there should be a dealer named Bill Copus there do me a favor if you meet him and tell him Bill White said hi. He is a really nice guy with mostly a lot of raw stuff.

    The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
  • jharjhar Posts: 1,126
    Isidore seems to be leaving us alone so my family and I will be heading to Ft Walton this weekend.

    If anyone else is planning on attending, You will be able to reconize me by looking for the big guy with the "Lord of the Big Dogs" t-shirt. My family and should be there sometime between 12:30pm and 2:30pm on Saturday.

  • Dog97Dog97 Posts: 7,874 ✭✭✭
    Isidore went over to coony country but it made me have to skip work all week so now I don't have much pocket cash.
    Who's Bill Copus? Does he have a shop? Not many dealers in Pcola.
    Change that we can believe in is that change which is 90% silver.

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