How does crossover service work?
When you submit a slabbed coin to a service for a crossover grade, does the person who will grade the coin know what the slabbed grade is? Can someone explain this process for me? Or is it better to remove the coins from the slab and submit them raw?
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance
See the Q&A section.
If you send the coin to PCGS in the holder for crossover, you don't run the risk of the coin receiving a lower grade than currenty assigned by the gradiong service whose holder it resides in. That can and does sometimes happen if you crack the coin out to submit it. On the other hand, many people (myself included) feel that PCGS plays political games and is biased against crossing coins over into their holders.
Bottom line, you have no downside, other than wasted fees and postage in using crossover service. But, you are also probably reducing your chances of your coin getting the same grade, if you use crossover service, as opposed to cracking the coin out and submitting it raw. The value of the coin should certainly play some part in your decision.
How does crossover service work? Well, that depends on which direction you are traveling! If you are going from a PCGS holder to NGC, then you will receive a fair opportunity to receive an accurate grade. If, however, you are planning to go from an NGC holder to PCGS, then the system is a complete trainwreck!
But you are probably reducing your chances of your coin getting the same grade, if you use a crossover service, as opposed to cracking it out and submitting it raw.
Do you mean that a grader could have a subconscious inclination to grade more conservatively with a slab in hand?
<< <i>"Mark, thanks for helping. Can you please explain a little further what you mean in your sentence;
But you are probably reducing your chances of your coin getting the same grade, if you use a crossover service, as opposed to cracking it out and submitting it raw.
Do you mean that a grader could have a subconscious inclination to grade more conservatively with a slab in hand?
Ogden "
I mean that if you crack the coin out, PCGS will grade it on its own merits (although, as I mentioned before, you run the risk that they could grade it lower than it was graded before you cracked it out). If, on the other hand, you submit it for crossover in the holder, there is a good possibility that they will not cross it into their holder, because of bias, even though, if the same coin were submitted raw, they would grade it the same as the grading company whose holder it started in. Yes, as you put it, "a grader could have a subconscious inclination to grade more consrvatively with a slab in hand'. Or, perhaps, even a conscious inclination.....
I have a 1909 s vdb that PCGS graded MS-64RB, and if I submit it to NGC and they grade it the same will they they put it in one of their holders as MS64rb. If so, do you think that the coin is worth more in the PCGS holder or NGC?
You're very welcome. I see no reason to try to cross the S-VDB. I would leave it as is. Take your time (if there is no time limit imposed)with your free NGC submissions and wait until it's worth your while.
In my opinion it's like anything else it depends on the coin itself.