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Game Used Cards, Are most of these/all fake???(All GU Collectors)

i was having a discussion at the water cooler today and we came to a discussion on gu cards. we all love these but how do we know there real? like these all star cards... game used all star jerseys or pro bowl... dont we think the players would want to keep these?
or gu basketballs i mean cmon? theres no way 2 tell! and we pay all kinds of dough for these cards we have only the companys word?
for instance... my friend had gotten Mike Millers Game used all star jersey.. the one he used in the game cause hes friends with the miller fam. Well popping in on sp game used is Authentic all star apparel of Miller from the all star game... now its tru he was in the 3 pt shoot out but skinny had kept one of his jerseys... so that means...
and in other cases like with pro bowl jerseys...
we just dont know if there real. i want all GU collectors to gimme there opinions on this topic... i thought it was interesting cause remember when They had the story in sports cards mag qabout the corke found on the bat piece of manny ramirez? and they said it wasnt his! but they advertised it as game used bat by manny ramirez. they purchased the bat from a 3rd party... i mean autos are real... maybe!? i mean besides UD do u think they actually call every player in the place 2 autograph them? if they have a contract they send them to the players house, he autos them they get em back. no one saw him sign it!
it just raises issues... plus on another board someone said they had proof there fake... i jus want some opinions here... holla
holla back....


  • Mike Miller was also in the rookies vs sophmore game last season, so that might be where the jersey swatches are coming from..

    Refs: MightyMouse,(2) Josher416(3), JErik20, Brice, Truballer (2), KBryant(4), lafrentz06, gettinout1, LilAI3 (5 transactions), McDee2, Speedmaster, Lantz, Battier, JasonKU86, thematrix31, biggamegil, Trev-Aman, Nismo68, baljitgill1 (multiple),KNICKS644, cpandeaz3

    email:: funnyguy0015@yahoo.com
    AIM:: funnyguy0015

    my site:: http://groups.msn.com/AdamsTradingCards/atccards.msnw

    To Josher416:: May he rest in peace.
  • it may also be just player worn. that doesn't mean he actually was wearing it in the game or something. like they have ones that the player just put on so they could say that or they get the rookie photo shoot ones. I believe most jersey cards are authentic. I'm sure there's some that aren't but most are. ChrisDaBalla (Go Bearsimage)
  • chris...i just got an urlacher premium jersey ft/fs lmk
    my page
  • only urlachers i really want are jersey patches or his SPx Auto. rc.
  • yeah i kno about miller, but a friend of mine was telling me about he knowes a player who went 2 5 pro bowls and he has all his game worn jersey in his closet and the player even said the cards where bs... i donno tho...
  • http://www.beckett.com/news/index.asp?action=showarticle&articleid=1076&nsection=2
    interesting.. they just buy this stuff from shops! the shop owners donno if its gu either! and ill bet jerseys get mixed cuz of all the flooding...
  • Well, I do know that card companies buy these items from players and shops. Just depends on which company you are referring to. Pacific bought a lot of stuff from dealers which came out in the open after that Manny Ramirez "corked" bat card came out. Notice Pacific cards are treated like PRO grading service when it comes to the industry of game used cards. All companies are required to have and keep paperwork on these items on file. Donruss usually get their items from the athletes. The game use stuff to trust is from companies who actually sign exclusive contracts with athletes (ie. UD, Donruss, Fleer, and Topps). Another thing is, some athletes wear more than 1 jersey per game if their jerseys get ripped, especially football. All athletes have backup jerseys which is why you will see "player worn", "game issued", "event worn" etc. Because of how strict the player's association is, the major companies can't risk losing their license. Basketball for example. Notice their are no Pacific or Donruss basketball cards. I believe the NBA would only grant 3 licenses to product their cards. Currently, Fleer, Topps, and UD hold those licenses. If one was to violate any rules, they could lose their license which would open the door for the other companies in the cold. So, for the most part, I doubt those companies want to risk that which is why you now see those game used "uniform", "player worn", "event" worn, team threads, etc. cards to keep from violating any rules.
  • Well, Ahman Green goes through about 3 jerseys a game cause he gets so sweaty. So maybe players in the NFL don't play in just 1 jerseyimage
  • NickMNickM Posts: 4,895 ✭✭✭
    I talked with one of the higher-ups at Pacific during the NHL All-Star Fantasy this year. He indicated their provenance on the bat was solid - the dealer they bought from has a contract to buy equipment directly from the Indians and is well respected in memorabilia circles.
    Neither the players' union nor Major League Baseball wanted Pacific to prove itself right (i.e., prove that Ramirez was using a corked bat). They dropped the matter.
    Think about this: Why would anyone cork a bat before selling it as game-used? Unless the bat is to be split up for a card, no one will ever know that it has been corked. People are not in the habit of breaking open several hundred to thousand dollar bats. So what gain would there be for a dealer to cork a non-game-used bat?
    Also remember that Albert Belle, also of the Indians, was caught a few years previously corking his bats.

    Reap the whirlwind.

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  • They're real, no question. Companies have too much to lose with collectors and buyers dragging them into court for fraud (misrepresenting an item or it's value willfully). They're real, and anyone who suggests otherwise is dabbling in mindless conspiracy theories.
  • yea i think so im just saying theres no way to tell.
    like i saw a baron davis red swatch on a gu card.
    wheres there red on a hornet jersey!?
    i love gu cards, especially of tmac, but not short cards as much but there still cool.
    Towel cards are alright.
    but these dirt cards *thank god i dont collect any baseball other than braves*
    practice worn cards!
    and i got tmac warm ups but if i pulled a warm up in any other case id be mad.
    shooting shirts are cool as long as there like stars.
    nowadays anyone has a gu, heck even the guy that just got cut from this team *fill in the blank*
    has one, its outta hand.
    people just started going gaga over them, i admidt i got into collecting cards again to have some.
    there so cool!
    i get my lower end GU or ones of my fav player signed, like i have 2 mike miller flair sweet shots, so i got one signed, or my quentin richardson UD jersey it only booked like 10 bucks so i had him sign it.
  • T1Mac, players in all sports often wear up to 6-8 jsys in a game, that kinda answers your question about the miller allstar jsy. even if miller kept one or two, he still would have a few to go around

  • iw as just about to say that bige-

    i have a highland mint plaque of kurt warner with a piece of jersey fro mthe superbowl in 99 (well 00)- i questioned it, and i was told the same- the players wear many jerseys per game- when they change- they're tagged, and then they're shipped to whichever co. wants em

    ex- brady hands off to antwain smith- he fumbles and picked up by zach thomas- now ud will take that ball, and use it for gu ball cards of- brady,smith,and thomas
    looking for nice football gu/autos (warner,culpepper,manning,favre,ect..)
    -richie rich

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