I'm a democrat cause I really don't think its right to take away people's rights. Republicans want to make everyone's personal life into what they think is the norm and correct way based on the bible. They think anything that is not approved by the bible is evil and should be banned. They won't let people make their own decisions. Ridiculous
Always looking to trade for: Good Rookies, Bonds, Boxes, Good GU, Good Autos. E-mail czimme7777@aol.com
The Greatest Players in the History of Pro Football
batman, so sorry to ask an intelligent question on here, you can go back to playing with crayons if the big words scare you.
Zimmy, I understand you're viewpoint, but my counterpoint would be that I don't want democrats taking my tax money and giving it to welfare recipients.
I agree with ya there. I mean welfare is ok if used in extenuating circumstances, however when people are on welfare for years at a time it gets to be a problem. Some of the tax money should be used to help train people and find them jobs instead of just handing it to them. I have absolutely no problem with taxes as long as they are used for good things. I mean, people hear "I want to cut taxes" and think taht means this is a good idea, however what they don't seem to realize is that taxes pay for roads, schools, college tuitions, and other public services. Our moron governor is trying to get reelected and says he wants to cut wisconsin out of the top 5 and even out of the top 10 taxed states. This is ridiculous, I dont want our roads and schools and everything else going to sh!t, I'd gladly pay an extra few % of my paycheck for good public services, thats why I like wisconsin so much.
Always looking to trade for: Good Rookies, Bonds, Boxes, Good GU, Good Autos. E-mail czimme7777@aol.com
The Greatest Players in the History of Pro Football
i live in San Francisco a city run by Democrats. it heavily under rent control. You say: I'm a democrat cause I really don't think its right to take away people's rights.
So tell me how my rights arnt taken away when the city tells me i cant raise my own rents on the property i own. Or how i cannot sell it to certain types of corporations. Yeah Democrates dont take away rights-Sure. They just liberilize so much and take away anybody who has property or moneys rights. What incentive do i have to go out and work hard when im just giving it all back., and cant even do what i want with what i own?
Definition of a democrat- 1. A republican who has not been mugged yet. 2. A person that pays NO taxes
A republican who has not been mugged yet? What the hell kind of argument is that? And the last time I checked, what political party you choose does not determine if you pay taxes or not. Democrats and Republicans both have to live under the tax law.
Always looking to trade for: Good Rookies, Bonds, Boxes, Good GU, Good Autos. E-mail czimme7777@aol.com
The Greatest Players in the History of Pro Football
tuneman: you KNOW people in San Francisco already pay abhorrently high rent rates even with the controls, and you want more? Believe it or not, there is (at least a little) public good being done by those extra dollars being milked from your prospective rentiers...
You want the rent controls and other limitations lifted? Vote for some initiatives that create some affordable housing. Admittedly, I don't think things like rent controls are very effective, but they're there because there's a need to house people that don't earn $100,000 or more a year...
Kobe Who? At least Dwyane pays proper respect to Da Big Aristotle
Why? Because both parties are extreme. They are supposed to be part of a "checks and balances" system. I see WAY too many checks and not enough balances... I prefer what is best for the largest amount of people. I do not like hand outs unless it is absolutely needed. I also do not like preferential treatment for big businesses and the rich. I think that lobbyists should be eliminated. I think that campain financing needs to be reformed. I think that career goverment officials are not what was intended by the founding fathers of this country. etc...
http://sportscardsheriff.com has over 8900 members and over 35,000 documented trades. Check it out if you have not already.
Republican I believe in Free Enterprise and that only the strong should survive. Hand outs are for those that are weak. Decocrats created the Wellfare System to control the lower class to keep themselves in office and power. Don't get me wrong, I believe everyone may need help from time to time but it should come from your FAMILY not the Government.
The Demcorats are always talking about Family Values and how the need to be restored in todays world. When in fact they are the ones that caused the break up t of the families values back in the 50's and 60's. It seems they want everyone to be the same. We are all equal man, women and children. Black, White, Yellow, Green or Blue. When in fact we aren't. We all may be born equal and we come into this world with nothing abd we leave this world with nothing. But it's what we do in between that make us different.
REFS: baljitgill, BigShane, JRCCRUM (6),Rooks, Phil2347, clippers00021, BUD, Speedmaster, ScoutDog, Jamaya28 My Trade List Wants: Joey Harrington, Brian Urlacher, Anthony Thomas, Donte Stallworth, Antwaan Randle El, Travis Stephens, Marqiuse Walker, Clinton Portis, Roy Willams, Antonio Bryant, Javan Walker
Democrats take away all rights of the poor, by forcing you to rely on them. Need money? Vote for us, and we'll increase welfare. Need health care? Vote for us, we'll create socialized health care were the richest few can pay pay for the health care of so many poor. Want to have meaningless, casual sex? Vote for us, we'll keep pissing away money on AIDS research and make abortions free and easy.
The Democrats create a system that the poor come to rely on, and after a while they have to vote Democrat. Then the Democrats try to create false class wars, finding the "racism" demon where it doesn't exist and telling the poor that the big bad rixh are out to get them.
You have got to be kidding, we should stop spending money on aids research cause aids research decides when and with whom people have sex with? Come on, that is completely ridiculous. People don't say to their partner "Well, you know, they stopped the AIDS research program so we better not have sex because later on if I get a VD from you it may not be cured." Give me a f'in break. And the other poster who contends that we are not all equal appals me. I dont even have a responce to that except that that is the stand of a KKK or Arian Nation member. So what you are saying that based on someones wealth and personal life, which you seem to want to judge based on what YOU think is correct, that determines that certain people are worth more than other people? Does that mean that some Christian who is making $50K a year and has a family is a more valuable person to society than someone who is gay and makes $40K? Your view is that because they are christian and live life to how you think they should, plus they make more than this gay person that they are a more valuable person? Give me a f'in break.
Always looking to trade for: Good Rookies, Bonds, Boxes, Good GU, Good Autos. E-mail czimme7777@aol.com
The Greatest Players in the History of Pro Football
Zimmy, it does affect it. Imagine if AIDS is ever cured...let me tell you, illegitimacy will go (further) through the roof, and you will see the demand for abortions skyrocket.
Sex has consequences, and people would love to ignore that fact. Thats why they want abortion legal and easy, and diseases like AIDS cured. Meanwhile, the cure for AIDS was found a long time ago...don't use drugs, and don't sleep with everything that moves.
And please don't whine to me about blood transfusions or cases where the mother passes it on, because everyone knows that is a fraction of 1 percent of all cases.
Im not sure if you are aware of this, but if you are married or have a steady partner does not mean that you are exempt from the aids virsus. Also, you can say "it has consequences" about everything. How about lets remove air bags cause they encourage people to drive faster cause they know they will be protected if they crash. Or why not get rid of helmets and pads because kids now feel protected and will ride more recklessly? I mean not trying to find a cure to the AIDS virus has got to be one of most disgusting, unethical things I have ever heard anyone say. Let's let people die cause they had sex out of marriage, cause you know they deserve it. They deserve to die cause they had sex. Give me a break. I understand arguments against abortion, even though I still disagree with pro-life people on that issue, but at least they can make valid points about why it shouldnt be so easy. There is no valid point to get rids of AIDS funding, NOT ONE. Saying that people will have lots more sex if its cured is not a point. Anyone who wrecklessly goes around and has sex right now is not going to care one way or the other, they will do what they want to do. If they are doing it now they will continue to do it whether there is a cure or not. And people do not deserve to die because of it. They are not hurting anyone, they didnt go murder someone or rob a store or rape someone, they had sex with another consenting adult. Yet you seem to feel the perfect punishment for doing this should be getting the AIDS and then death. Man are you heartless. Just because there is this problem that doesnt occur in your area (or so you think) you think it is an unimportant issue we shuold turn our back on. But oh once one girl is kidnapped from a rich suburban home or whatever starts to affect your perfect suburb christian life you are all over it
Always looking to trade for: Good Rookies, Bonds, Boxes, Good GU, Good Autos. E-mail czimme7777@aol.com
The Greatest Players in the History of Pro Football
Also I left out a big point there, its not just people that go wrecklessly sleeping around that have this problem, it effects a large number of people that dont just go sleeping around. Once a man or a woman sleeps with someone while they are in a relationship and get some kind of VD then say they have, 5 more relationships that eventually dont turn out to anything. Then that spreads to those 5 people, and then they spread to 25, then they to 125, etc etc. Its not just the people that sleep around that have this problem, it can now affect anyone anytime. Yet it still doesnt stop people from having sex with their partner
Always looking to trade for: Good Rookies, Bonds, Boxes, Good GU, Good Autos. E-mail czimme7777@aol.com
The Greatest Players in the History of Pro Football
Dang, it sounds like someones had a STD before. And when I was talking about us all not being equal it didn't have anything to do with how much money we make. Or what color of skin we have. I was just trying ot say we will in a time were too many people look for the easy way out. Away to make a fast buck either it comes form the Government or Sueing somebody because they had something happen to them. It seems like very few people today both white, black, yellow, fat, thin, ugly, pretty, short or tall are willing to go the extra mile to make something of themselves. If you have a problem with that tough Sh!t.
REFS: baljitgill, BigShane, JRCCRUM (6),Rooks, Phil2347, clippers00021, BUD, Speedmaster, ScoutDog, Jamaya28 My Trade List Wants: Joey Harrington, Brian Urlacher, Anthony Thomas, Donte Stallworth, Antwaan Randle El, Travis Stephens, Marqiuse Walker, Clinton Portis, Roy Willams, Antonio Bryant, Javan Walker
Oh, by the way. I do hold myself to a higher standard. I do not feel that my tax dollars should go to some teenager who's having a baby or having an abortion. I do not feel that my tax dollars should go to the crack addicts rehab. I do not think my tax dollars should go to a third generation wellfare.
REFS: baljitgill, BigShane, JRCCRUM (6),Rooks, Phil2347, clippers00021, BUD, Speedmaster, ScoutDog, Jamaya28 My Trade List Wants: Joey Harrington, Brian Urlacher, Anthony Thomas, Donte Stallworth, Antwaan Randle El, Travis Stephens, Marqiuse Walker, Clinton Portis, Roy Willams, Antonio Bryant, Javan Walker
Im not sure if you are aware of this, but if you are married or have a steady partner does not mean that you are exempt from the aids virsus.
Zimmy, I have not ever used intraveineous drugs. Every women I've ever had sex with was tested beforehand, as was I. Guess what...there is ZERO chance I have AIDS.
Let's put our money towards cancer (especially breast cancer), which we STILL don't completely understand why it strikes sometimes. Cure AIDS? Heck, we already did. I'll never get it, and neither will anyone else who acts responsibly.
Notice the title of this board "Buy,Sell, Trade- Sports"
This thread does not belong here. Get a clue and a hobby/job/friends. 40+ posts a day says one thing about you and I'll give you one guess what that one thing is.
Looking for former University of Arizona NBA RC's in PSA or BGS 9's/GEM MINT grades. Die hard University of Arizona and Bay Area Sports fan.
As an 11 year active duty Air Force member, I watched for 8 years my pay hardly increase, my benefits dwindle, and bases close because of a liberal pot-smoking womanizer that had no clue about National Defense. But hey, if I wanted to get out, I could sit on my rear and collect welfare like most of the other deadbeat non-voters that could care less who really paid the tab. Enough Said!
Oh, by the way, I wonder how Big Al would of handled 9/11 if he was elected. They probably would have had to talk his az$ out from under his desk. But then again, there are alot of hidden bunkers in Tenn he could have hidden in during the remaining 3 years of his tenure in office.
Not to mention if Gore was elected this may have all been prevented in the first place. But of course, the parties being the stubborn brats that they are, refused to interact with each other and all of the intelligence information was lost. If Gore was elected the info would have never been lost, but of course the Clinton and Bush administrations had to be dicks and refuse to do anything with each other and all kinds of information was lost or never received. Like I know they had information about Arab men in flight schools who did not want to learn how to land planes, which of course is the most complicated process. The intelligence knew about this yet in the transfer of power this info was lost or never received or ignored by the Bush administration. And thats just one example, they had tons of info. But like I said before, these parties had to be dicks about it (and especially after the Florida problems there was alot of tension between the 2 parties) and never got information to each other and ultimately really screwed up
Always looking to trade for: Good Rookies, Bonds, Boxes, Good GU, Good Autos. E-mail czimme7777@aol.com
The Greatest Players in the History of Pro Football
Clinton never had any information for Buch, he was too busy cowtowing to them to actually realize any danger. He IGNORED intelligence reports for years, when he had the chance to do something. To say id Gore had been elected this could have been prevented is misguided, ignorant, and frankly offensive.
As to why I thank God Bush was in office when he happened...just a matter of what kind of person the nation would rally around when we need it. Remember Bush's passionate words to the joint assemblys that week? Now imagine Gore, slooooowly telling everyone to just calm down, the terrorists were in a lockbox, and he would be sending negotiators over there to discuss why the middle easterners feel this way and how we can be a more sensitive nation. Then he would tell us this wouldn't have happened if we'd been more sensitive to the environment.
OK here some age and wisdom, after seeing my fair share of Pres. the down and dirty is that when a Rep. is in office the rich get richer, only because they are rewarded with tax breaks. Show me one person in this country that will say I never want to make enough money to receive any of these tax breaks and I'll show you a liar. The facts are that the tax system is fueled by the single people in this country, they get the fewest breaks and pay the highest taxes. I knew this but never realized this until I got married. Now its my main job to find places that I can get these tax breaks so I can deduct at tax time and still maximinze my net worth. Every time a Rep has been in office the country is pulled from a economic slump, and then a Dem. comes to office and it takes 4 years for them to screw things up. Think about it. Regan came into office and lasted 8 years and then Bush carried on for another 4, and the country was strong. Foriegn policy was being productive and the economy was thriveing. It took Clinton 8 years but when he was finished we had no foreign policy to speak of, everyone was laughing at the States because of the antics of our leader, name one thing that he did that was productive! The only highways that were being built were in Ark. before Bush came in they were talking of a recession. The people on welfare were wanting Gore elected because they knew he would back the welfare system like a good Dem. In the mean time the school systems were stagnet because they didnt get any federal funding. But hey Clinton got a hummer! Mark my words this will happen again, Rep. will fix everything and it will take 4 years for the Dem. to screw it up. Thats if we dont get blown up because the 3rd world countries think they can have their way with our country.
when a Rep. is in office the rich get richer, only because they are rewarded with tax breaks. Show me one person in this country that will say I never want to make enough money to receive any of these tax breaks and I'll show you a liar. The facts are that the tax system is fueled by the single people in this country, they get the fewest breaks and pay the highest taxes.
memphis, I like about 90% of what you said, but I wanted to clarify this part. The rich pay BY FAR the highest percentage and amount of taxes...in fact the richest 3% in this country pay 40% of the total tax dollars collected! People with low incomes (and on welfare) tend to add next to nothing to the system, and they tend to beneift more from the social services our tax dollars pay for. That is why when Republicans give a tax cut to the rich, it is not because they hate the poor or favor the rich, it's because they're givign the first break to those who pay the most.
CU References: 65 and counting
my Trade/Want list
"On and on south of heaven...."
"Hands on my face overbearing I can't get out"
Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
Cards & References:
Jasons Players
South Of The Border Cards
R.I.P Josher416
<< <i>im a republicrat >>
that's quite possibly the dumbest thing ive ever heard.
The Greatest Players in the History of Pro Football
Zimmy, I understand you're viewpoint, but my counterpoint would be that I don't want democrats taking my tax money and giving it to welfare recipients.
The Greatest Players in the History of Pro Football
i live in San Francisco a city run by Democrats. it heavily under rent control. You say:
I'm a democrat cause I really don't think its right to take away people's rights.
So tell me how my rights arnt taken away when the city tells me i cant raise my own rents on the property i own. Or how i cannot sell it to certain types of corporations. Yeah Democrates dont take away rights-Sure. They just liberilize so much and take away anybody who has property or moneys rights. What incentive do i have to go out and work hard when im just giving it all back., and cant even do what i want with what i own?
Definition of a democrat-
1. A republican who has not been mugged yet.
2. A person that pays NO taxes
Email me directly at tonytune@aol.com
The Greatest Players in the History of Pro Football
You want the rent controls and other limitations lifted? Vote for some initiatives that create some affordable housing. Admittedly, I don't think things like rent controls are very effective, but they're there because there's a need to house people that don't earn $100,000 or more a year...
Yes, I collect shiny modern crap
All your Shaq are belong to me
Why? Because both parties are extreme. They are supposed to be part of a "checks and balances" system. I see WAY too many checks and not enough balances...
The Demcorats are always talking about Family Values and how the need to be restored in todays world. When in fact they are the ones that caused the break up t of the families values back in the 50's and 60's. It seems they want everyone to be the same. We are all equal man, women and children. Black, White, Yellow, Green or Blue. When in fact we aren't. We all may be born equal and we come into this world with nothing abd we leave this world with nothing. But it's what we do in between that make us different.
My Trade List
Wants: Joey Harrington, Brian Urlacher, Anthony Thomas, Donte Stallworth, Antwaan Randle El, Travis Stephens, Marqiuse Walker, Clinton Portis, Roy Willams, Antonio Bryant, Javan Walker
The Democrats create a system that the poor come to rely on, and after a while they have to vote Democrat. Then the Democrats try to create false class wars, finding the "racism" demon where it doesn't exist and telling the poor that the big bad rixh are out to get them.
References: Derrick(3),Teletubbie, MT Grinch, Kenny21, Awaltz, 2323, sypako, hondo, CoryZbinden(2)biggjc, boopopo2, Cardnyou, nismo68, Speedmaster, Baljit and more
Owner of the longest actual word in the "One word Post"
The Greatest Players in the History of Pro Football
Sex has consequences, and people would love to ignore that fact. Thats why they want abortion legal and easy, and diseases like AIDS cured. Meanwhile, the cure for AIDS was found a long time ago...don't use drugs, and don't sleep with everything that moves.
And please don't whine to me about blood transfusions or cases where the mother passes it on, because everyone knows that is a fraction of 1 percent of all cases.
The Greatest Players in the History of Pro Football
The Greatest Players in the History of Pro Football
My Trade List
Wants: Joey Harrington, Brian Urlacher, Anthony Thomas, Donte Stallworth, Antwaan Randle El, Travis Stephens, Marqiuse Walker, Clinton Portis, Roy Willams, Antonio Bryant, Javan Walker
My Trade List
Wants: Joey Harrington, Brian Urlacher, Anthony Thomas, Donte Stallworth, Antwaan Randle El, Travis Stephens, Marqiuse Walker, Clinton Portis, Roy Willams, Antonio Bryant, Javan Walker
Zimmy, I have not ever used intraveineous drugs. Every women I've ever had sex with was tested beforehand, as was I. Guess what...there is ZERO chance I have AIDS.
Let's put our money towards cancer (especially breast cancer), which we STILL don't completely understand why it strikes sometimes. Cure AIDS? Heck, we already did. I'll never get it, and neither will anyone else who acts responsibly.
Too much.
Notice the title of this board "Buy,Sell, Trade- Sports"
This thread does not belong here. Get a clue and a hobby/job/friends. 40+ posts a day says one thing about you and I'll give you one guess what that one thing is.
As an 11 year active duty Air Force member, I watched for 8 years my pay hardly increase, my benefits dwindle, and bases close because of a liberal pot-smoking womanizer that had no clue about National Defense. But hey, if I wanted to get out, I could sit on my rear and collect welfare like most of the other deadbeat non-voters that could care less who really paid the tab. Enough Said!
Oh, by the way, I wonder how Big Al would of handled 9/11 if he was elected. They probably would have had to talk his az$ out from under his desk. But then again, there are alot of hidden bunkers in Tenn he could have hidden in during the remaining 3 years of his tenure in office.
REFS: Patman2011, swides, Raf12, PullKing, TeamKansas, Jeffo81
The Greatest Players in the History of Pro Football
The Greatest Players in the History of Pro Football
As to why I thank God Bush was in office when he happened...just a matter of what kind of person the nation would rally around when we need it. Remember Bush's passionate words to the joint assemblys that week? Now imagine Gore, slooooowly telling everyone to just calm down, the terrorists were in a lockbox, and he would be sending negotiators over there to discuss why the middle easterners feel this way and how we can be a more sensitive nation. Then he would tell us this wouldn't have happened if we'd been more sensitive to the environment.
memphis, I like about 90% of what you said, but I wanted to clarify this part. The rich pay BY FAR the highest percentage and amount of taxes...in fact the richest 3% in this country pay 40% of the total tax dollars collected! People with low incomes (and on welfare) tend to add next to nothing to the system, and they tend to beneift more from the social services our tax dollars pay for. That is why when Republicans give a tax cut to the rich, it is not because they hate the poor or favor the rich, it's because they're givign the first break to those who pay the most.