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MY Want List. PLease look

Hey Guys im looking for GU and Autos of thses Players...please LMK

Jason Richardson,
Paul Pierce,
Tracy McGrady,
Allen Iverson,
Antoine Walker,
Kenyon Martin,
Shawn Marion,
Andre Miller,
Stephon Marbury,
Jason Kidd,
Dirk Nowitzki,
Steve Francis,
Darius Miles,
Lamar Odom,
Rich Jefferson
Mike Miller
Quentin Richardson
Scottie Pippen
Keth Van Horn

Please LMK My e-mail is Jkidd510@aol.com I have a Huge tradelist

Thanx Guys
Always looking for Gameused and...L.A. Clippers


  • I have a lot of cards for you.Send me your tradelist.Thanks
    I am alway looking for:

    Fleer Exclusives rc,and Hoops hot Prospects rc 02-03 and Spx 02-03


  • i have some jrich. Look at my site and LMK what you need and send me your tradelist. Thanks
    Rest in peace Josh, we'll all miss you
  • I have a warm-up of AWalker, a jersey of Iverson, a floor of Iverson, and a dual jersey #'d/100 of Marion. PLMK

  • Ulshy dont even bother with pacmanssportscards he will rip you off.
    My E-Bay Auctions

    Glenn Robinson Auto Collection 7/21
  • lmao vittleimage

    I will send first.

    Last time I checked rip-offs don't send first.

    If you want to find out who the real bad trader is go to tradersretreat.com and look at their bad trader list and under Michigan you will see Mike Schillim.

  • TTT
    Always looking for Gameused and...L.A. Clippers
  • If you want to find out who the real bad trader is go to tradersretreat.com and look at their bad trader list and under Michigan you will see Mike Schillim.
    Your being put on there too genius.
    refs:Bud, Jrccrum, Bobstar, Quasar31, Chillinbij, Bigshane, coachvinny, jeffo81, koolman2005, dewey, thito, samsgirl, co1lector, alanb, cardnyou, dallas822, nowitzki, ahares, 49erfan33, woodson24kg, autobilia, maizenblue66, knicks644, ejones06, americanfreak, epag64, kingofcards, kls23, skivermont, baljitgill, undertaker, haliguy
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