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This is why I don't like Canada

Canada PM on 9-11: U.S. Had It Coming

Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien's suggestion during a TV interview Wednesday that the U.S. is partially to blame for the 9-11 attacks has officials on both sides of the Canada-U.S. border fearing "a meltdown" in relations between the two countries.

In remarks carried by the Canadian Broadcasting Company as part of its 9-11 anniversary coverage, Chretien seemed to be saying that the U.S. got what it deserved on 9-11.

"You cannot exercise your powers to the point of humiliation for the others," he told the CBC. "That is what the Western world - not only the Americans, the Western world - has to realize."

Chretien added that the West "is getting too rich in relation to the poor world" and that "the 11th of September is an occasion for me to realize it even more."

The interview was actually taped last July, but many took Chretien's remarks as a 9-11 anniversary message.

The Prime Minister's Office issued a statement Thursday saying that his comments had been misinterpreted by the press, but some Canadians weren't so sure.

"His comments were ill-conceived," retired major-general Lewis MacKenzie told the Montreal Gazette Friday. "I'm not a great fan of blaming the victim," he complained before voicing fears about the damage Chretien's comments might cause in the U.S.

Theresa Hitchens, vice president of Washington's Center for Defense Information, told the paper that the Canadian PM's views won't go over well with the Bush administration.


  • SoDoMoJoSoDoMoJo Posts: 1,558 ✭✭
    HEY!!!!!!! lol i'm from Canada o well i hate the country too!!!!!!! lol hehehehe
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  • LOL, nicely done.
  • lets invade canada,lol

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  • I got news for you.. thats a lot more than just a Canadian opinion...lol
  • YOu're right euphoria..it's the ignorant, uninformed, envious opinion of all countries that have zero importance on the world. I bet France agrees with them.

  • << <i>HEY!!!!!!! lol i'm from Canada o well i hate the country too!!!!!!! lol hehehehe >>

    Actually, Canada doesn't suck. Maybe where you live(Calgary) does. But, Toronto is the best!! Stop putting down your country, dummy!
  • i can say one thing canada grows the best buds around hands down
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  • ya whatcha eh?
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  • Something to think about. The WTC was bombed the last year of Bush Sr.'s term. The WTC destroyed the first year of Bush Jr's term. When Bush Sr. was in office, Bush Jr. was his advisory. With that known, I believe it had something to do with their policies as much as the hate against America. Why was it so quiet during Clinton's term? Everything that happened during Clinton's term was domestic related. Just something to think about.
    Nothing smoother than listening to Bob James and sipping on a glass of vintage Courvoisier! It's PIMPnificent!
  • ohhhhhhh so its all the D@MN TEAXANS fault now huh (remember no cursing allowedimage ) ok just blame all this on us texans hehe
    looking for texans, iverson, ming, and roy oswalt
  • Clinton was more than happy to sell our military secrets to the Chinese and anyone else who asked, they didn't have any reason to be envious of America during the 8 years our president was a buffon at best, and a traitor at worst.
  • can't blame it on the Bushes. Bin Laden is responsible for the Embassy bombing in africa and the US warship anchored in a harbor. Both were done during Clinton's term
    Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
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  • Nicely done Remster. Whenever a Rebuplican is in office, people love to gripe about how the big bad GOP is just crushing the world so terribly that it justifies this kind of crap. It's disgusting. The only reason no one would ever bomb Canada is that no one would give a crap.
  • yes its not our fault see i knew it had nothing to do with TEXAS
    looking for texans, iverson, ming, and roy oswalt
  • This is too funny. the american opinion is right and the rest of the world is wrong... LMAO. BTW.. noone would care about canada huh... well... its too bad Canada supported the civilian killings the great americans did. Lets see... the US grounded all the planes.. and where did they have to go?? They had to lad and stay in Canada... because the US was too afraid. BTW... dont worry about Canada.. worry about the American terrorists in the US.
    Cant wait till the 2 American pilots get jail time though :-)
  • Did you know that Bin Laden use to be America's allies? Here's an interesting article if you get bored.

    Nothing smoother than listening to Bob James and sipping on a glass of vintage Courvoisier! It's PIMPnificent!
  • euphoria18, when Canada does any of the following:

    1. Ends slavery
    2. provides food to a nation's residents that hate us
    3. protects the free world
    4. (effectively) fights communism
    5. Gives us more of a cultural contribution beyond Brian Adams
    6. Saves the world (twice)

    then you guys can say you're right, and the rest are wrong.
  • Acutally... what i said was:
    the american opinion is right and the rest of the world is wrong

    Not saying canada is right... saying that the American opinion.. as proven in this post... believes they are the greatest thing... however... the rest of the world thinks differently.

    Another typical US attitude.. if it doesnt happen here... it doesnt matter.
    Example... Us girl gets kidnapped and killed. It has a huge deal. Overseas... kids are being killed by rebel soldiers on their way to school. And what is done about that? nothing. If it doesnt happen in the US or effect the US... then to the US... it doesnt matter.

    US is so great that they need peacekeepers from Great Britan and Canada to help. The only Canadian casulties are because of a US bomber.

    Got news for you... US is no better than anywhere else.
  • There comes a time when modesty is trite. The US is the greatest nation in this world, and if need about 5,000 examples why, we can go all night.
  • LMAO.. the american ego lives on... LMAO
  • LIke I said, you want to go example for example, I'll go all night. The fact that you're not even trying shows how paper-thin your argument is.

    At least our country has a reason to be smug. You guys just do it as a kneeejerk reaction.
  • Actually.. you have proven my point. US believe they are the best thing... whereas the rest of the world doesnt. The US is right and the rest of the world is wrong. US attitude... if it doesnt involve the US.. it doesnt matter.
    Surprise surprise there are attacks on the US.. and who is doing them??? American citizens.
  • What an idiotic response. Of course other countries believe they're right....from the radical muslims to the chinese communists, they believe they have a system that beats ours. And they're wrong. Guess what buddy: sometimes things matters of black and white, and right and wrong, and this is one of them.

    As for our citizens attacking our country...not people who were born and raised here, but Americanized citizens, and insane zealots at that. No one whose opinion would or should cause anyone to challneg the way they think.
  • What an idiotic response?? hmmm.. thats funny as well. Perhaps you should read what i said. US believe they are the greatest thing. the rest of the world disagrees. Am i saying that they believe they are better? Am i saying they think they are better? no. All i said is they disagree.

    Anyways.. the people today who were arrested... were born and raised in the US. Tim McVeigh... i believe he was born and raised american.

    Oh well.. i am sure the great american pilots will enjoy jail :-)
  • Not that it isnt fun.. but... i am gonna say goodnight from this.. and gonna make a couple trades :-)
    Have fun.
  • Lol, u actually think we attacked our own country and planned it too? Man u crack me up.LMao
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  • << <i>As for our citizens attacking our country...not people who were born and raised here, but Americanized citizens, and insane zealots at that. No one whose opinion would or should cause anyone to challneg the way they think. >>

    Hmm, so I'm guessing that Timothy McVeigh was a Basque Separatist and that Ruby Ridge is actually in Tijuana. damn, and all the American papers said Timmie Boy was a born and bred American. If you can't believe the American media, who exactly can you believe?
    Collecting Basketball Hall of Fame Signatures
  • Well in todays world looks like no one evidently including all countries and people!
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    bad traders:
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  • lol- here is the breakdown

    america is a nosey country- if we just stayed the hell out of the middle east like we should have in the first place, we would be all set. but, thats anoher story.we will always be under attack fro mthe terrorists- its just the way its gonna be- lets just all be happy we are alive and happy we can be here arguing about this
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  • LMAO.. the american ego lives on... LMAO

    Shut up Canadien...............U.S.A. rules and could kick the s(hit out of Canada. USA rules!!!!!!!!!!
  • By aiding one country in a conflict, the U.S. has opened the doors for criticism if they don't involve themselves in every other one. I think that our government does get way too involved in many domestic affairs of other countries. We try to concern ourselves with the hungry in other countries when we have numerous homeless
    people starving in our own streets. We try to invade and destroy other countries governmental structures to make them like ours, when ours is not perfect. We train and place people in power like Sadam and Noriega (I know, spelled wrong) just so we can fight them with our tax dollars and military 5-10 years down the road. I even get mad because I am getting taxed for commercials my government airs wanting people to use the USPS or to join the military. I could go on and on but....

    In closing I would simply like to state that while this country is far from perfect in many ways, I would never choose to live anywhere else.
  • Grendel and euphoria18, if you've been reading any of this post, you know we're not talking about Tim McVeigh. Anyone can cite one aample, it doesn't make it a rule. Saying McVeigh attacked America and therefore all Americans hate America is the same as saying Canadien "artists" include Celine Dion and Brian Adams and therefore all Canadien pop culture must be crap.

    Dirtmonkey made a good point abiut this...we take it upon our shoulders as the onl;y superpower to aid and feed the world, so when we miss anything , we get criticized. And when religious fanatics attack us, people complain that we were too "egotistical" and somehow we brought it onto ourselves.

    It's simple jealousy. When a peer is so far ahead of you that no rational argument works, the only argument left is to turn it around and claim that they are conceited.
  • You guys are all missing the point. It's simple psychology...anytime a beneficiary becomes dependant on a benefactor, they can grow to resent that benefactor when they realize thay cannot be self-sufficient. Look at the child-parent relationship and the bitter teenage years, or the welfare case vs. the welfare state, and in this case the last superpower (that is not an ego term, Superstar5 correctly identified that) vs. the rest of the world, that has gone from happily taking our help and protection to resenting the fact that they cannot be self-sustaining.
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