PCGS grading!!!!!! What a pain!!!!
Hello everyone. I had set out 13 coins to be graded. Only 6 came up on the invoice though does anyone know why? (#3051489) What happened to the other 7 coins. Thanks in advance everyone.
Sacagawea Set
There is the possibility that some of the coins are damaged in some way in which they will not be graded and will not show up on the invoice but they will be sent back to you with your other coins. Just a possible explanation.
We regret to inform you of the loss of your coins, apparently they were all MS70 or PR70s and will now be given to a CU dealer for sale and distribution. Sorry for the inconvienence, PCGS Grading Staff.
Sorry, don't mean to make light of this, but I always wonder whether something like that could happen.
Sacagawea Set
PCGS probably split the submission onto two invoices because of the modern/non-modern batching...
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
I can be reached at evillageprowler@gmail.com
Sacagawea Set
<< <i>PCGS grading!!!!!! What a pain!!!! >>
Have you ever heard of the word patience? Don't worry your coins are not lost. All this PCGS negivity on these boards is really getting old. This crap just adds to it.
If you are new to submitting or just have a question why can't you just ask the question and drop all the negitive BS.
The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
Bill, I couldn't agree with you more. Doesn't it explicitly say all over the invoices "Only 1 service type per invoice.". And that is to help speed things up. They could have just shipped your coins right back and stated the invoices weren't properly filled out, and started grading coins for people who did fill out their invoices properly. BobbyD, I don't mean to seem harsh, but this is what I mean, if PCGS even shows a slight hint of a mistake, everyone acts like they stole people's coins, or lost them, or did other evil things to them!
It seems everytime I try to mention it, it is either ignored, or some sarcastic remark is forthcoming.
I sometimes wonder if the folks at PCGS regret opening up submissions beyond the authorized dealer level. I know they like the additional fees, but, I can also imagine their frustration at how many invoices come in that require intervention.
BTW, Bobby D, how will you feel if PCGS send your coins back in two shipments and includes a invoice for additional fees. They very well may, particularly if the turn-around time for the service(s) you requested are not the same.
He could have mixed the coins and used the economy service. I've done this.
I agree it's likely he didn't, but why is everyone so negative toward the submitter and accusing him of making a mistake? Aren't you all jumping to conclusions?
Yes. They take a LONG time.
Your coins were split into two submissions due to the dates of the coins. I have your other submission number for you. I will send it to you in a PM.
I agree we drew some conclusions. It is the only way to answer the question, why six coins show up and the other seven didn't. You are correct again because he did not admit that combining moderns with non-moderns was wrong. PCGS submission procedures state to NOT mix them, so we addressed that. Why is wrong to point that out as a possible reason for the submission being split? It turns out Charlie Kahler split the submission, apparently along those lines.
I admit I assumed the same thing that the order was split. However, it is not imposssible to think that some coins on this invoice got lost at PCGS. It has happened before.