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Euro Allergies

<< <i>The study by scientists at the University of Zurich showed that euro coins released large quantities of nickel if left in prolonged contact with the skin. >>

<< <i>After 72 hours with these coins fixed by transparent tape onto their skin, all seven patients showed a strong reaction with erythema, infiltration and formation of vesicles," the researchers wrote. >>

<< <i>It said the culprit was sweat which eroded the metal in the coins and released up to 320 times the amount of nickel allowed under the European Union Nickel Directive. >>

this is just part of the article Link to whole article i know this is a darkside issue but i thought u guys would be interested.


  • flaminioflaminio Posts: 5,664 ✭✭✭
    Okee fine but who the hell tapes coins to their skin for 72 hours? Longterm exposure to practically anything is dangerous. For the few seconds coins are in contact with skin during normal usage, I can't imagine there being any trouble. Besides, Canada has had 100% nickel coins for a long time with no ill effects.

  • TheNumishTheNumish Posts: 1,628 ✭✭
    I've seen someone so allergic to silver they had to wear cotten gloves when handling silver coins.
  • What is interesting is I believe many of the coins that the Euro replaced were also made of nickel.
  • mrdqmrdq Posts: 1,186 ✭✭✭
    my nephew broke his arm. he also had a quarter he didn't want his brother to get. naturally he stuck it down the cast and couldn't get it out. 19 days later when the cast was removed it had adheared, grown, stuck, whatever to his arm and had to be "pried" off. The quarter had skin and "gunk" attatched to it and his arm had a nice hole in it about the size of a quarter image . Before I could think to get it from him and photograph the skin-coin to share with you guys he had spent it in a soda machine at school. NOW you know why you should always wash your hands after handling money, some of it is G R O S S .

    --------T O M---------


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