thanks for responding to the what were you doing when you heard about what happened on sept 11 thre
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I was at home and I didnt have on the tv or the radio. My sister called me and she was crying so I thought a family member had died. She said that they bombed the trade center again. And I was like WHO DID WHAT?????. I thought she was crazy . She then said I hadent seen the tv yet and I said no I didnt. She told me to turn it on that I had to see what was happening. So well I was talking to her I turned the tv on just in time to see the 2nd jet hit the World Trade Center I was just agast at what I had seen. I couldnt believe this was happening here In AMERICA. As I watched more I sat there in stunned slience. Then they came on and said the Pentagon had been hit ( I have been there many times) At this point I was in total shock, the feeling that came out were grief, saddness, anger all at the same time. As an ex soldier my feelings were telling me I had to Defend this country from what was happening, but alas I am not a soldier anymore and I was far from where this was happening.
So a year out from this horendous day my feelings still go to those who lost family and friends. Now a year later my family has a member who is in the line of fire my younger brother is on duty in Afghanistan with the Army. Now the attacks on the pentagon the world trade center and in Shanksville Pen, have in a way come home to me and my family .
My thoughts and prayers are with those out there defending our country defending our ideals defending our way of life.
So a year out from this horendous day my feelings still go to those who lost family and friends. Now a year later my family has a member who is in the line of fire my younger brother is on duty in Afghanistan with the Army. Now the attacks on the pentagon the world trade center and in Shanksville Pen, have in a way come home to me and my family .
My thoughts and prayers are with those out there defending our country defending our ideals defending our way of life.
Im unemployed again after 1.5 years with Kittyhawk they let me go.
My first YOU SUCK on May 6 2005
My first YOU SUCK on May 6 2005
Russ, NCNE
For some life lasts a short while, but the memories it holds last forever.
-Laura Swenson
In memory of BL, SM, and KG. 16 and forever young, rest in peace.
My 1866 Philly Mint Set
For the Morgan collectors - The Morgan and Peace encyclopedia by Van Allen and Mallis
What would your slabbed coins be worth if the grading services went out of business? What would your coins be worth if the Internet was taken offline for good?
was killed and the horror was magnified for me twice over.
President, Racine Numismatic Society 2013-2014; Variety Resource Dimes; See 6/8/12 CDN for my article on Winged Liberty Dimes; Ebay
I was worried, but fortunate. What a day that was.
God bless America!
I was at the airport in Washington D.C. getting ready to fly back to Fort Gordon, Ga., after being released from Walter Reed Army Medical Center, on 22 Nov 1963, when a Marine came up to me and told me President Kennedy had been shot.
Some things you just don't forget.
It was a bizarre week. Mostly foreigners, especially Europeans and they didn't seem to care. I saw that the two planes left Boston and Raytheon employees had perished. My brother lives there and works for them, flying out of Logan to LAX all the time. I kept watching praying his name wouldn't appear on the bottom of the TV screen. It didn't and he is fine. All week I wondered how I would get home. Had scheduled and spent one night at the Marriott Harbor Beach Resort & Spa on the return and the place was totally empty.
Not really thinking too much, I took a shower, went downstairs, and turned on the TV before I left for work. I was horrfied with what I saw. Never made it to work - what was the point?
God bless those innocent souls who suffered through that cowardly act.
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When I got to the office, all of the TV's were on showing what was really secretary said a plane had accidentally hit the WTC.
Then the 2nd plane hit and I was shocked. un-be-lieveable is the word. That's when I knew it was REAL.
see? My Auctions "Got any 1800's gold?"
The captain said we were going to reroute to Washington National - Newark and the other NY airports had been closed due to the fire. I'm thinking ... great, I have to rent a car to drive to my meeting in Jersey City (right across the river from WTC). As we depart the holding pattern, we can see the North tower with the top covered in smoke and the smoke plume now miles long.
Then the captain came on and said we were being routed to Philly for immediate landing. I thought great, closer to my destination and a rental drive would be a piece of cake. As we approach Philly, I call my office to rent me a car. They said where are you ? do you know what has happened ? They filled me in and I was stunned. I said call my wife and let her know I am all right and that I'll call her as soon as possible.
Planes were coming into Philly and parking everywhere. The concourse was mass confusion. I thought to myself, nothing is flying today, I'm outta here. I left my luggage - never saw it again. I went to the rental lot and got in line (about number 20 in line). By the time I got a car (I actually got a reservation through my office) there were 150 people trying to get a car.
I got the car, left the airport and drove to a friend of mine in north Philly. I spent the day and night with his family drinking beer and watching the tragedy. He and I drove to SC the next day - 9/12. He had to be in NC and I had to get home. Drove through DC. Very heavy security. Got a speeding ticket from Virginia's finest 4 miles from the NC border while on a conference call, top down on the car, no attention whatsoever to my speed. The cop had no mercy.
That's my story.
Top 10 Cal Fractional Type Set
successful BST with Ankurj, BigAl, Bullsitter, CommemKing, DCW(7), Downtown1974, Elmerfusterpuck, Joelewis, Mach1ne, Minuteman810430, Modcrewman, Nankraut, Nederveit2, Philographer(5), Realgator, Silverpop, SurfinxHI, TomB and Yorkshireman(3)
PS- my town was on 60 minutes regarding the attack a few days ago (I didn't see it) but you might have...
Waking up in Miami, Florida, getting ready to catch a plane back to Dallas, with my family and our nanny.
Upon seeing the second plane hit the #2 Tower, my wife and I immediately went to the closest car rental place, got in line, rented a car, then, bought a small VCR/TV that plugged into the lighter of the car (so my 3 and 5 year old could watch videos) and left the next morning and spent the next two days driving back to Dallas. It was strange - not a plane in the sky. Not too many cars on the road, either.
I grew up on New Jersey. The World Trade Toweres represented to me, our nations' supremacy in commerce. They towered over their neighbors. I was deeply affected by their destruction and the loss of so many lives.
Today, I turned on the TV for about 30 minutes in the morning. That was all I could handle. I have hurt with everyone for the past year, in a very miniscule way compared to those husbands, wives and children who lost their family members. Imagine being a child who lost a parent in that atrocity? It is too much to even think about. We are all on this planet together, so far, apparently, all alone in this enormous Universe. Our inhumanity to each other is baffling in some ways, history endlessly repeating itself in other ways. God must really wonder at times at us. We too, should wonder.
But I am an escapist. Neither a conformist nor an activist. It makes sense for me. Trying to change the world is almost certainly a complete waste of time and a sacrifice of your family and yourself. I just try to be the best father, husband and employer that I can be. That keeps me pretty busy.
anaconda.rare.coins (on eBay)
The local NBC affiliate here called us last week to do a story on good news on 9.11.01. I think they did a nice job. If you are interested, here it is online. There is video too if you have a recent version of Real Video player from
News story
NOTE: No trees were killed in the sending of this message. However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.
Type collector since 1981
Current focus 1855 date type set
My poor husband and parents were in the States worried about me. I called as soon as I could to tell them I was ok and find out if they were ok, since my husband and mother were in Virginia, not to far from the Pentagon. It took my husband six hours to finally get through on the phone to me.
One of the terrorists was caught trying to get away from Dulles airport driving in Manassas, Virginia, when a policeman stopped him because he was speeding with a flat tire. I was glad to read about that!
My brother was driving past the Pentagon on the highway when the plane hit it. He was on his way to Dulles airport to take the afternoon flight. Good thing he wasn't on one of the morning flights!
Today we were working on the beach and the Blue Angles flew over for a ceremony. We see them practicing all the time but nothing fancy today. 6 F-18 fighters going low & slow, real somber like. Really awesome. We were talking about how we would hate to be terrorists and have those guys coming after us.
I worked on the 100th floor of 2 WTC in 1993 and 1994, just after the first attack, and I remember the wonder of those buildings, and the great view from that office. Later that afternoon, I took out my photo album and looked at pre-93 attack photos from my college years, and later photos from when I lived across the Hudson in Jersey City. I then started e-mailing everyone I knew on Wall Street to see if they were all right, as it turned out, everyone I knew was fine, except one good friend who lost his brother. I was in shock the whole day. Wednesday, the 12th, I went to a prayer service at church, and we sang America the Beautiful, and when we got to the verse about our Alabaster Cities gleam undimmed by human tears, I just lost it. I haven't cried that hard in 20 years. Even today, I get really choked up at the national anthem, and almost any patriotic song.
Semper Fidelis and God Bless America
asked me if I had heard the news about the WTC. He informed me a plane had hit it. My initial reaction was that a small plane had hit the
bldg by accident. Perhaps Joe had challenged Mark: "Hey, a ten spot says you can't fly the Piper between the bldgs". Only after the news of the second did I realized that it was an act or terrorism....someone had heard the news about the second on the car radio driving in to work. Finally, a car was driven into the secure compound and AFN, American Forces Network was fired up. Only then did we start getting real news about what was unfolding.
So there we were. 50 uniformed service members standing around a car listening to a radio. Dead silence for a long while except for that radio. All of us foaming at the mouth wishing we could strike back somehow. On hearing about Shanksville, my gut reaction was that there were some brave souls who fought and succeeded in getting control of the airplane. This later proved correct, but Oh, how I wish they would have been able to successfully land that plane. With the amount of news the WTC and Pentagon receives concerning 9-11, I hope people don't soon forget about Shanksville. What those people did, I just can't put into words. Knowing full well you are probably going to die, but having the courage, guts, fortitude, sense of duty, patriotism? to do what they did and prevent another landmark from being attacked....their acts are truly amoung the finest of the day. No one knows the target of that plane in DC. Perhaps the Capital?
What if the majority of the lawmakers had been present? Chaos would have reigned.
Check out my PQ selection of Morgan & Peace Dollars, and more at:
please take a few moments out of your day to think about the ones in the Military defending this great nation.
">Franklin Halves
">Kennedy Halves
Just watching her as she slept.
Then the reality of my inability to protect her sank in.
After the air cleared, people started crowding around the north windows. We could see smoke coming from behind the South Tower (from the North Tower, although we didn't know it) across Liberty Street, which, 35 floors below us, was covered in light debris - paper, etc. - some of it burning.
CNN had pictures within five minutes of the impact, so we knew a plane had flown into the North Tower. People started talking about a small plane - maybe the pilot had had a heart attack.
After another five minutes, it seemed like nothing much was happening, so I went back to my desk. I called my wife and left a message telling her I was OK. A couple of minutes later, we heard another "thud" - louder this time and the building shook harder than the first time. I hit the floor.
The PA system came on and said we weren't evacuating the building yet. I called my wife and left another message telling her I was OK.
A few minutes later, the PA system said to evacuate the building, from the bottom up, so I had a few minutes to wait. I called my wife again, she answered this time, and I said "we're evacuating the building." She asked "Why?" I said "I guess you haven't listened to the messages yet. An airplane flew into the World Trade Center." I told her I'd call when I got away and I'd head for the Port Authority Bus Terminal at 42nd Street.
I pretty much went numb after that. I deliberately didn't go over to watch the TV, so I didn't know what was happening. I went to the reception area, where everyone was gathered, and listened to someone who had been on the west side of the building. He said "I got under my desk, because I saw the (second) plane and thought it was coming right at me."
After a few more minutes, after most people had gone down the stairs, I and five or six others got on the elevator and rode downstairs. The lobby was empty, except for a few security guards, who directed us to the exit on the south side of the building.
I got out of the building and headed east, toward Broadway and the subway. The streets were covered in light debris - about a half inch of ash, mostly. I got to Broadway and walked north, toward the Fulton street stop. I walked past the Wall Street stop and heard the train still running.
I got to 140 Broadway, which has a big plaza in front of it. The plaza was packed with people, all watching the fire two blocks away. I thought "What are you fools doing here?" I turned around and walked back to the Wall Street stop. I got a one-trip Metrocard - it's time-stamped 9:46 a.m. Ten or 15 minutes later, I was at Grand Central Station. I went outside and starting walking west on 42nd Street.
It was still a beautiful day - bright, sunny, not a cloud in the sky. People were walking down the street normally, some with cell phones. It was like any other nice September day and like a whole 'nother world from Downtown.
Nothing much happened to me after that. I stood in front of the Port Authority Bus Terminal for an hour or so. No one could get a call out on their cell phones, so all sorts of silly rumors were flying - that the Sears Tower had been attacked, that bombs were found in the Empire State Building, that the White House had been attacked, that the Towers had fallen. I didn't really believe any of them.
I finally got a call through to my wife around 12:30, which is when I found out that the towers really had fallen, although I didn't really believe it.
A couple of hours later, I stood for an hour or so in a line for the ferry to get across the Hudson River. I was at 23rd Street and had a beautiful clear view all the way down to the huge plume of smoke coming from where the Towers used to be. That's when it started to sink in that it wasn't just a movie, that it was real.
Check out the Southern Gold Society
It wasn't until I was able to get home many, many hours later that I was able to get enough information to really understand the whole of the situation. || ||
All i remember is walking from room to room until the school day was over because no one was teaching anything we all just sat and watched the news
Russ, NCNE
thanks for responding to this thread
My first YOU SUCK on May 6 2005
In my lifetime, the biggest events were the Kennedy assasination of 1963, The King and Bobbie Kennedy assasinations of 1968, the first moon walk of 1969, and the change from B&W to color TV (not sure of the exact date). IMHO
For the Morgan collectors - The Morgan and Peace encyclopedia by Van Allen and Mallis
What would your slabbed coins be worth if the grading services went out of business? What would your coins be worth if the Internet was taken offline for good?
Toss in a couple 6.5+ earthquakes, and our big events are the same.
Russ, NCNE
For the Morgan collectors - The Morgan and Peace encyclopedia by Van Allen and Mallis
What would your slabbed coins be worth if the grading services went out of business? What would your coins be worth if the Internet was taken offline for good?
The Attack on september 11 those are defining moments of a generation. Thats what the future will look at when they look back into history. An earthquake ya it will get two lines in a book the space shuttle another couple of lines. But september the 11 will get a whole chapter on it probally more .
My generation from the 70's on hasent had to face this type of thing until last year.
My first YOU SUCK on May 6 2005
With an illness in my family up north, I had to get back to flying only a couple of weeks later. I flew weekly from Tampa to New Jersey for several months, usually in the cavernous confines of planes with as few as 25 passengers.
Tampa, by the way, is the closest major airport to the Venice, Florida flight school attended by several of the terrorists.