qrich> These Henry cards have proved to be very hard to find. After his HUGE performance last Sunday his card will skyrocket. I know you have some good cards so I can say this to you....
why not sell off some other cards to raise the 75 for the Henry. You can almost think of it as a trade. Im sure you could put about 200 bucks book on ebay right now and get close to the 75. Heck you might even have some contenders sitting around. Even the SP's sell for 30!
If you are feeling adventurous why not try to locate a box?? If you look around you might be able to find a box for around 90. That would give you a chance at the Henry and many cards that would be better.
I was a card show in Orlando over the weekend and I am sorry I didn't do two things...one buy a pair of boxes of contenders for 85 (actually could of got him down lower) and I had a chance to buy a Chambers for 150 (high but I just sold a bunch of junk for 400).
I really don't think ebay is an option right now for these cards, they are just way too high and who knows how high Henry will get once one goes up on ebay. As of yesterday there wern't any up. I am tempted to float mine up. The only thing that is working against me is that Buffalo lost!
Well, good luck, 75 may seem high but if you get rid of some junk lying around then you can use that money to buy the card you want. Think of it that way! Good Luck!
1. Henry will never be more hot than right now...wait it out.
2. Those contenders cards are red hot...wait it out.
Sunday his card will skyrocket. I know you have some good cards so I can say this to you....
why not sell off some other cards to raise the 75 for the Henry. You can almost think of it as a
trade. Im sure you could put about 200 bucks book on ebay right now and get close to the
75. Heck you might even have some contenders sitting around. Even the SP's sell for 30!
If you are feeling adventurous why not try to locate a box?? If you look around you might be
able to find a box for around 90. That would give you a chance at the Henry and many cards
that would be better.
I was a card show in Orlando over the weekend and I am sorry I didn't do two things...one buy a
pair of boxes of contenders for 85 (actually could of got him down lower) and I had a chance to
buy a Chambers for 150 (high but I just sold a bunch of junk for 400).
I really don't think ebay is an option right now for these cards, they are just way too high and who knows
how high Henry will get once one goes up on ebay. As of yesterday there wern't any up. I am
tempted to float mine up. The only thing that is working against me is that Buffalo lost!
Well, good luck, 75 may seem high but if you get rid of some junk lying around then you can use
that money to buy the card you want. Think of it that way! Good Luck!