Need price range for a Mercury please...
Can anyone tell me what the going rate for a 1945 MS64 FB PCGS slabbed? There is one on Ebay that the seller has the reserve set at $2750 but the only price I can find is from Heritage which is $1300-$1550. Its a real nice coin and I'd be willing to go that high(bid now at $1550). Is Heritage out of date on their price or is he just asking for premium money for a nice coin? Thanks, Stacy.
I will link the pic's of it so maybe some merc experts can give their thoughts on it.
If I were buying this coin I'd ask myself whether it was worth it TO ME to pay the hugh premium for a FB to begin with, let along paying strong 64FB money. Personally, I'd rather have an "almost" FB and pay $150 (or whatever they go for) than pay 10 times that for just a little bit better strike. But, like I said, that's just me.