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My new disclaimer for E-bay - opinions?


Since I am a completely ignorant person when it comes to the grade of a coin, I have decided to post this disclaimer on all of my future auctions:

Notice to all bidders: You are bidding on this coin based on it's appearance in the photographs only. The item in the photo is the ACTUAL item up for auction. The seller of this coin has not submitted this coin for grading to any grading company and is only relying upon his or others OPINIONS, based on these photos, of the grade of the coin. Many times photos can make a coin appear much worse, or much better, than it actually is in person. Every effort has been made to give an accurrate indication of the condition of the coin, again, based upon opinion.

I'm interested in your opinions.

"spare change? Nahhhhh...never have any...sold it all on E-bay..."
see? My Auctions "Got any 1800's gold?"


  • Add to it that there's a 7 day return period if the buyer is not satisfied.

  • I already offer a 5 day, no questions asked, 100% satisfaction guarantee. That's not enough?

    editede fur speillink
    "spare change? Nahhhhh...never have any...sold it all on E-bay..."
    see? My Auctions "Got any 1800's gold?"
  • Sorry, sometimes I can't pass up a typo. You might run a spell check and make sure of an "accurate" spelling of everything... If only I got paid for proof reading...

    Looks like a decent disclaimer to me. I'm sure others will have some constructive criticism.
  • MrLeeMrLee Posts: 1,848 ✭✭✭
    Sounds good to me.
  • Sounds good to me, but usually I bid lower on these type of bids. Saves alot of hassels if we don't agree on photo/description and I want a return.

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  • Sounds fair enough to me.
  • itsnotjustmeitsnotjustme Posts: 8,779 ✭✭✭
    My only concern is that it sounds like you still plan to use the boards to estimate grades for you. A dealer normally does this WORK him/herself, or PAYS an employee or third party grading service for this TASK.
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