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Old Nintendo Games Cash/Trade

I've seen a couple posts about guys wanting games etc. Just found some old Nintendo games that were stored away. Might have some Sega Genesis games (Herzog Zewi "Rare" and sports games) that I will list later.

Here's a list of the Nintendo Games:

After Burner
Top Gun The Second Mission
Power Blade 2
Solomon's Key
Dr. Mario
To the Earth
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Skull & Crossbones
Cybernoid The fighting machine
Donkey Kong Classics
Metal Gear (Classic game!!!)
Karate Champ
Al Unser Jr. Turbo Racing
Back To the Future (With instruction book)
Steath ATF
Destination EarthStar
Times of Lore
Mike Tyson's Puchout (All Time Favourite, would be the last to go)

I've already sold some nice ones including Maniac Mansion, Zelda, Link, Bayou Billy, Contra, Castlevania. Let me know if you are interested in any.
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