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heat sign travis best! only prob. is that ej and best wear same #'s.. ;) sorry travis, ur picking an

heat starting 5

c zo
pf grant
sf ellis will prolly start then caron butler will outplay him and soon earn the starting spot image
sg ej
pg best

rasual butler (heat 2nd round pick and has impressed in the summer leagues)
eddie house (if resigned)
sean marks
jim jackson (if resigned)
rod strickland (if resigned)

it was just a yr ago when the heat had a bunch of old vets and lacked youth, athlectisim, etc and now they have it. u won't win w/ a bunch of young players or a bunch of old vets. u gotta have some youth and some vets. image

i say sign rod, jimmy jackson, and house to keep the chemistry intact and these guys are good backups and good insurance if anything goes wrong.


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