Need some help please

I have a large collection of stamps I inherited from my father. The last couple years I've been trying to identify them. I've got quite alot of them identified, but there's still alot that aren't, and they're from all over the world (about 130 countries!). I will be posting again with a list of what I have to sell, but right now I'd like to find out about some of my US stamps. I have some that are in blocks of 4 that I can't find a value on. Scott Catalog will give a price on these blocks if they're unused, but there were no prices at all for used blocks. I'd like to know what this means. The used blocks I'm refering to are: 1959 #J92; 1938 #825; 1958 #1119; 1958 #1122; 1954-68 #1051; 1954-68 #1037; & 1965-78 #1289. There's also 1984 #2074 strip of 5 used. I also have some Cigarette & Coin stamps I can't identify, and would like to know if anyone know anything about old Liquor Control Commission Excise Tax stamps (1936 cancel). I know this alot, but I'd really appreciate any help. Please reply or contact me.Carol