i bought every basketball ipo on etopps for a total of $423 and now they're worth about $2,220, so i'll say etopps was worth it. not sure how 2002 football is gonna do though, cause the quantities might be high meaning less demand, kinda like 2002 baseball.
I've had a lot of success with eTopps. Bought Bonds for 9.50 and sold for $85.00. Just gotta pick the right ones and sell at the right time.............Mike
Refs: Many on CU Trader's Retreat Collector's Empire CD #118 ebay ID mtgrinch
<< <i>think any of the rookies will actually go up in value, david carr is on there now? >>
Go up in value according to who?
email: pjmetsknicks@yahoo.com
aol instant messanger: lazy16831
Just gotta pick the right ones and sell at the right time.............Mike
Trader's Retreat
Collector's Empire
CD #118
ebay ID mtgrinch
Paypal Verified
*oh, its still in the portfoilio**
Email me directly at tonytune@aol.com
Many Refs, just ask.
Just reading up on it, any other info out there?