Need a Expert or a Opinion will do.
If this problem has been posted before please just dis-reguard this. Not going to bash a grading service or belittle the grade put on this but just need to know what has happened to the Little Ladies face and what can be done about turning Her Beautiful again. I believe I know the answer too both questions but would like to confirm the present thoughts. Also have a couple of other coins that look like this. Is this a persistant problem that happens after slabbing or is this how the coin was actually slabbed ?
Thanks for your Advice and Opinions.
Thanks for your Advice and Opinions.
1- a decongestant
2- tissues
3- a sneeze guard over their desk
How've you been? As for the girl in question, I'd ask PCGS to do the dip for me, and reholder. It should cure her measles. I would think it would be done N/C as part of the grade guarantee, but I'd bet somebody here has done the same before.
and it sets us apart from practitioners and consultants. Gregor
I am going to offer an opinion which I do not consider expert. I will offer it to encourage responses from others.
The bluish motled color in the center may be PVC. The coin was dipped in an attempt to clean the coin was not rinsed adequately , the coin was slabbed shortly thereafter and passed inspection or was deducted for some residue. In time the speckled appearance and the residue became increasingly obvious. If this is true then "conservation" may be difficult but worth an opinion from PCGS or NCS.
Tell me though is this a Common problem ? Is this what the Modern Guys refer to as the Haze problem ? Man if its the Haze problem now I see thier displeasure.
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