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Ladanian Tomlinson Rookie Materials Nat'l Treasures Silver #2/25

Has anybody seen a B.V. for a 2001 Playoff Preferred Ladanian Tomlinson Rookie Materials National Treasures Silver #2/25?? I cant find one anywhere. ANybody interested in this card? Make me an offer...



  • SkiVermont3SkiVermont3 Posts: 3,053 ✭✭
    2001 Playoff Preferred 201 L Tomlinson JSY/400 $15.00 $40.00 ?
  • Nope. Its card 201, but national treasures silver, and numbered out of only 25, not 400. I checked beckett online and found the same one that you saw, but can't find the #/25 anywhere.
  • I don't think Becket lists cards with that low of serial # due to rarity.
    Alan Bierlein


    Refs: epag64, ahares, beave, airjordan22, skivermont3, bigshane, KLS23, Chillinbij, dewey, yanksfan, woodson24kg, danmarinocollector, NBAsteve, ejones06, clearandvalid, JRCCRUM, rooks, koolman2005, Lway7Fan, Bobstar, vittleboy, beasport, burress80, johnsauc, danotoriuos, goyanks01, whitetornado, richpf32
  • Ah...i see. That means it must be worth a FORTUNE! image

    here's hoping anyway.
  • My guess would be about $80. I got an autographed Dillon card #d/550, but only 25 of them were autographed.

    Who do you want in return?
    want (in this order):
    video games & systems
    Culpepper sportscards
  • More looking to sell it actually. seems I could use the money lately
  • how much?
    want (in this order):
    video games & systems
    Culpepper sportscards
  • one MILLION dollars...........

    more seriously, i want to get a few more opinions of its worth before I make a decision. NOt that I dont trust you, just good to get a few opinions. Can I e-mail you later once I do some research?
  • sure. I understand. I'd do the same image
    want (in this order):
    video games & systems
    Culpepper sportscards
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