The very first Free Ballers contest!
yeah, it's time for a CU contest, the Free Ballers way. Best answer gets a nice prize from me, none of that $10 GU crap. here's the question:
Tell the story of the most rotten thing you've ever done to a girl. Now, if you went OJ on someone, please don't reply. Looking for funny stories, we all know guys can be total d!cks, now how about some hard proof! I will chime in with mine at some point, I'll just tell you it involves legos and let your minds wander.
By the way, giving someone a venereal disease is not funny. You've ruined her for the rest of us, jerk.
Best story wins...make us laugh!
Tell the story of the most rotten thing you've ever done to a girl. Now, if you went OJ on someone, please don't reply. Looking for funny stories, we all know guys can be total d!cks, now how about some hard proof! I will chime in with mine at some point, I'll just tell you it involves legos and let your minds wander.
By the way, giving someone a venereal disease is not funny. You've ruined her for the rest of us, jerk.
Best story wins...make us laugh!
41 positives, 0 negitives
41 positives, 0 negitives
41 positives, 0 negitives
clean up with. I just grabbed what was on the floor because it wasn't my house. I proceeded to get dressed
and then we prepared to go back to the party. As I opened the door to let her out and the light in, I realized I must have used her shirt because not only was it nice and shiny, but it had my "protective gear" stuck to the back of it. I didn't have the nerve to tell her, but I did tell all of my friends everytime she walked by...
Yes, I collect shiny modern crap
All your Shaq are belong to me
Of course, later that night I just hooked up with her anyways. Man, I used to drink too much.
Lets see some more entries!
Reap the whirlwind.
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Back in High School, my friends and I were all at a party that was going into the wee hours. Sometime around 3 am,we noticed that one of the hottest chicks we had ever known had snuck off into a bedroom with another buddy. Morgan was her name. 34 DD's. At this point,givin our level of intoxication at the time,our childich couriosity got the best of us! Myself,and 4 other members of the Brew Crew snuck around the back of the house to the sliding glass door of the master bedroom. The moans and groans from the dark bedroom had us giggling like schoolgirls. We all had the same thing on our minds....SNEAK IN!!! The sliding door was unlocked,so all 5 of us crawled commando-style to the foot of the bed (undetected). After peeking up to get a glimpse of Morgan's silloette,we were absolutely delighted that we were totally unnoticed! After about 3 or 4 minutes,I found myself sitting on the corner of the bed!!!!!! LOL I was covering my mouth to hold back the laughter. But in between Morgan's screems, I let out a large belch!!!!! The room went completely quite......then she jumped up screaming!! "Who is in here?!?!!!!!" The other fellas made a mad dash for the door! By the time Morgan got to the lightswitch and turned on the lights,there I was.Drunken. Trying to get into the closet that I thought was the door!!!!!! While screaming and cussing,Morgan shot 2 shoes at me,one of which landed a direct blow to my ear,causing it to bleed. None of my friends fessed up to being involved,leaving me to be the lone perv and frowned upon by the other gals in her group!
Long,I know,but that's all I have.
{Chief Morningbrew}
me and my brother
i got none to tell tho
Ebay ID: mysteryman152
"Kid, get off me! Go back to school"
eat this, nikobe
iv traded with: rooks
Two years ago (when I was 10) we were at recess and this girl had thrown a kickball at my face that gave me a bloody nose. After I cleaned off the blood with my shirt I saw her playing 4-sqare with some of her friends. So I went up and started taking bout her boyfriend (my bestfriend). I was saying how he had made-out with this girl while he was on vacation a couple days before thy started going out. By this time she was gettin pretty p!$$ed off. So we went inside and right when I turned around she slapped me in the face. I had a handprint for about an hour. So later in the afternoon while we were eating lunch she got up to get some napkins. I had some extra ketchup packets so like any bad boy would do I opened them up and put them on her seat. And when she came back she didn't notice them and she sat on them. She sat up right away and when she did everyone saw. Everyone was cracking up soooooo hard and half the lunch room was chanting "period, period!" (yes, they did and yes we had seen "the video" a few weeks before the incidant). It was well worth the in-school suspention.
I had just started high school and there were 2 big middle schools that combined, us guys from our school was startin to talk to the girls from the other school. The first weekend of high school for me lead up to me bein in a very drunken state, I was at a party and this girl i had just met from the other school, we started talkin and we ended up all over each other. She decided she wasn't gonna go all the way but she would "Go down" LMAO. Anyways she told me not to "you know" in her mouth. Well I was drunk and i really meant to give her a warning, but I was too late. LOL All I rember sayin was "Ooops" I woke up the next day and it was all pretty hazzy but with some help from my friends I rembered kinda what happened. Then on Monday at school I told her that I couldn't really rember what happened but I was sorry. She said it was okay, but I could tell she was mad at me. We ended up bein pretty good friends. One day we was talkin about how it was when we all started Highschool and I asked her if she rembered when she first met me and she kinda laughed and she said "Yeah, thats one of those things you don't really forget about" haha
I didn't do this on purpose but its prolly one of the only things I actually felt bad about doin.
you gotta love the ol' best friend move lol
tell me thats not hilarious
Doin some dumb stuff to just be funny and mess around is one thing but you are just dirty man lol
I say you are disqualified causin makin girls cry isnt cool lol
By the way, watch out, duncangal has decided that since she doesn't wish to participate in this post, no one can without getting griped at
#1 QUincy Carter Collector in the world
Quincy Carter 31.6% 163/515
Also ski and colt getting head whould never happen so i know thats fake.
Glenn Robinson Auto Collection 7/21
PS I got a real funny one but i am a gentleman and it would make me into a bad guy telling the story
Glenn Robinson Auto Collection 7/21
Glenn Robinson Auto Collection 7/21
I'm going to ask that people continue to post here, obviously adhering to your own standards of decency. Don't let the gestapo out there push you around.
yeah man, you can send me my prize tommarow. HAHA