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Who will join me in the Free Ballers



  • dirtmonkeydirtmonkey Posts: 3,048 ✭✭
    Can't understand what the big deal is with some. It's all for Craps and giggles. Just somethin' to pass the time. We do, I admit, need to keep our language and exploits as subtle as possible on THESE boards, but if we take the cussin' to another board, then I've got a whole new language for ya all. You !#@#%$#^%$##@!$%!%$%' ers image
  • Man, this is a long thread to go through!image

    I like the Beers Across America idea too. However, I don't think I understand the concept. Is it one person sending another a bottle of a local brew? Or is that one person gonna send everyone in the group one bottle and see how they like it? I've come across some of the best beers in the world, and while you may not have the same opinion, I'd definitely like to share them and see what you think about them. I'm also open to checking out other brands/types of beer, as I'm always looking for good ones, esp. with every change in the seasono (i.e., light, airy beer in the summer; dark, creamy ones in the winter...).

    If I may - for starters, why don't y'all post a list of your local microbrews (or just plain favorites, micro or commercial) and what you think of them. Then maybe, based on your comments, other 'Free Ballers' would want to have a taste of a particular brew, and 'trading' begins! I'm still not sure about the logistics involved in shipping out a bottle of beer - or if it's even legal - but that can be taken care of later. This is mainly a rough draft of what I have in my head, but if you think that's a great suggestion, then I'm all ears...

    Other ideas/suggestions welcome. I know I'm not a part of your 'clique', but I like the beer idea, and I apologize if I barged in unwelcomed.
    Looking for Chicago RCs/AUTOs/GUs

    BULLS: Chandler | Curry | Rose | Williams

    Traded with:
    baird34 | speedmaster | euphoria18 | rockthemic13 | kobe8fan | yanyak5 | skivermont3 | dirtmonkey | bige87211 | pugsley | others...
  • SkiVermont3SkiVermont3 Posts: 3,053 ✭✭

    theres the site guys, everyone apply!
  • you guys dont need a site-your doing just fine right here

    Check out my site athttp://groups.msn.com/Tonytuneshouseofcards

    Email me directly at tonytune@aol.com
  • SkiVermont3SkiVermont3 Posts: 3,053 ✭✭
    but but but...Mr bobstar told us that we would be reported and banned from CU if we continued this childish nonsense image we were so sad that we decided to take it elswhere

    lol image
  • Ski, you're mocking Mr. BoobStar, aren't you!!!image

    I'm going to have to report that!!!image

  • bystander, I like the idea, I'd say people could post what styles they like (stouts, ales, barleywine's etc.) and we could try and find them something good. It's up for discussion at this point, still in the early stages. I hope you'll come to the site and join, I'll happily push your membership through. You too Undertaker....you got the Belgian beer (the good stuff! image)
  • If we restrict it to 'styles', doesn't it defeat the purpose? I mean, sure we could post what kind of beer we want, but wouldn't it be better if we can turn a lager drinker on to, say a port drinker? I wouldn't submit myself to one particular 'style' of beer, as different seasons/occasions call for different styles. Like I said, light & airy in the summer; dark & creamy in the winter. I, for one, wouldn't want to drink a stout in the middle of summer! At the same time, a Corona or a Modelo wouldn't quite cut it in the winter. For that we'd need Undertaker's help (Belgian Imports). I'd say just put up the brands of particular micros/commercial that everyone likes, and from there we can formulate what they might like or might not like. It would probably also help if we threw in different scenarios:
    * chilling with the guys on a hot summer day = Corona, Pacifico, Modelo, etc.
    * watching a movie/tv (w/ chips & such) = Sam Adams, Sierra Nevada, Guinness, etc.
    * hanging out at the bar = Grolsch, Beck's, Heiniken, etc.
    * watching the Super Bowl (winter) = Leinenkugel's, Pete's Wicked Ale, Stella Artois, etc.

    Does that make any sense?

    Oh, and also post what the best (or best-known) micro is in your town/city, e.g. Chicago = Goose Island, Seattle = Red Hook(?), Pittsburgh/Philly = Yuengling(?), etc.
    Looking for Chicago RCs/AUTOs/GUs

    BULLS: Chandler | Curry | Rose | Williams

    Traded with:
    baird34 | speedmaster | euphoria18 | rockthemic13 | kobe8fan | yanyak5 | skivermont3 | dirtmonkey | bige87211 | pugsley | others...
  • I'll hang around with you guys like a pair of balls.........image

    As long as I help to get the smacking around...........
  • Vince, you're in buddy.

    Bystander, I like the way you think mna, hope you'll join soon.
  • good luck with your group guys i hope it dose well
    Im looking for 2001 fleer premium rookies and gameused that i don;t have for the sets im putting together.

    iv traded with: rooks

    Hey! Can I join the Freeballers club. I Like beer, I like chicks, and I do think there are other things to life other that cards.image
    Culpepper to ?, only God knows at this point!
  • lol 2323 I would vote for you. Ryan has the final call though.
  • LOL 2323, I think Mr. Rogers actually has more of a hard edge.

    NoDoubt, you're image Enjoy. 2323, Ever thought about joining?
  • 2323, sorry I didn't see the second half of your post image Apply and I'll take care of you.

    NoDoubt, you are offcially in bud image
  • bystander, please understand we don't mean to be a clique - we're just a group of guys who have similar interests and want to be able to BS around without the crybaby police busting in on us. Your suggestions weren't barging in at all, in fact were much-welcomed good ideas.
  • I applied, sounds like a good time. And no Bobstar! Now I won't have to watch what I say every 10 seconds.image
    Culpepper to ?, only God knows at this point!
  • LOL I'll check with the other members and let you know 2323. You're lookign pretty good though.
  • 2323 4 prez!
  • LOL, 2323 you're in buddy. You too playa and bystander! image
  • Cool, sounds like a good time.image
    Culpepper to ?, only God knows at this point!
  • Heck yeah. Be sure to stop out there tonight and get aquainted image
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