Are the Goldberg auction pictures enhanced?
Many of you have seen some of the coins currently listed on-line for the upcoming pre-LB sale. What do you think? Are their scans enhanced at all? Of course, I'm not talking about those that are downloading in black and white! ![image](
It's interesting that the coins from the "toned dollar collection" have apparently been mixed with other toned dollar consignments. I wonder if this will enhance the bidding on these other pieces. One would think so.
As for the prices that will be realized: suffice it to say that after the sale, we might not hear much about toned dollars being overpriced, at least for a while. Certainly, a few of these pieces will set record prices. But perhaps of more interest are the prices to be realized by the second level of beautifully toned dollars, i.e., those just below the mega-monster level of quality. This is the case because while few of us have any mega-monster toned dollars, many of us do have some "regular" monster pieces. It will be nice to learn what they are worth under ideal auction conditions.
BTW....What the hell was I thinking when I sold those???
I too was the underbidder on a number of coins in past Goldberg auctions. Consequently, I haven't won any either. You certainly had to bid high to have any chance at all. I too have thought some of the coins looked to be slightly brightened or more vividly portrayed than when viewed in person. They have become known of late
in creating quite a stir and fierce bidding when they offer quality toned material. It's in these types of auctions where the definate advantage is being able to view them in person. Good luck to everybody!
On some of the rainbow toned pieces, I note a deep blue color band that I don't normally see and can only assume that the color results from scan enhancement.
As for the mixing of coins from the toned dollar with other consignments, I certainly hope it enhances the bidding on these other pieces!
I agree! GODZILLA sounds better than mega.
Hey all, those that were appearing in black and white are now in color....and they look a tab bit better.